Page 109 of Violent God

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Isa’s gaze is worried as she looks at me. “Are you okay, Brooks?”

No. I’m not. My entire world is falling down around me and there’s not a goddamn thing I can do about it. Not when my order comes directly from Blanc.

Ace catches my gaze, giving me a hard look that tells me to get my shit together and to stop worrying his wife.

I smile at Isa. “I’m fine. Promise.”

She makes sure no one is listening and asks, “How did the meeting go?”

Some men choose not to involve their wives with Brotherhood business. Ace is not one of those men, so Isa knows I had a meeting with Blanc today. Hell, I’m sure Ace is wondering how it went, too. Only Blanc, Zhang, and I know what was said. That Smith was poisoned, likely by the same person who killed DeLeon. At least, that’s what the letter found in his office implied. Ace also doesn’t know the name of the woman the Brotherhood wishes me to marry.

Before I can answer, Vivian Zhang and Buffy Jones stop next to Isa.

“Isabetta, you’re supposed to be mingling with the guests, not sitting with your husband and his friend.”

Isa smiles up at them, rubbing her round stomach. “As you both know, I was told to stay off my feet as much as possible.”

Buffy shakes her head. “My doctor told me something similar. Didn’t stop me from going to work every day until the day I had my son.”

Alessandro stands, and both women flinch. Since he invoked Rule 47, he’s gained quite a reputation. I snort into my newly delivered glass of vodka as he puts his hand on Isa’s shoulder.

“My wife is not going to leave my side. Understand?”

“Of course, Mr. Moretti.” Vivian says. “Come, Buffy. Let’s find Aimée.”

When they’re gone, Isa scowls as she stands. “I wish Greer could have come tonight. She always knows what to say to them.”

How odd it must be for Ace. His wife and his ex-lover have become best friends and spend a lot of time together. If it bothers him, he doesn’t let it show. The thing is, I doubt it bothers him. He only has eyes for Isa.

It reminds me of how I used to look at…

Ace pulls her close. “Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, if other Elite Members are getting threatening letters, then there will be new members joining. And it’s a requirement for them to be married.” His gaze lands on me. “So, Brooks, who’s the lucky lady that Blanc picked out for you?”

I finish my glass of vodka, though I’d rather throw it against the wall.

“Jacqueline Chanel Minty-fucking-Smith.”

Brooks’ story is Coming Soon:

Magnetic God

I’ve done the impossible and turned my life around.

Creating a thriving business centered around love.

Day after day, I watch others get married.

Knowing I missed my chance years ago.

A new client is set to elevate my career.

But then I meet the groom.

They call him the Magnetic God.
