Page 14 of Violent God

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Only Grant Carter would have the balls to ask Elite Members to step away so he can have a private conversation, but both men seem star struck as they nod, scurrying away. He waits a beat before turning to me.

“Well, this has worked out well for you.”

“The death of DeLeon? Funny. One might say it’s worked out well for you, too. If I recall, he was against you running for President.”

Grant’s lips lift in a practiced smile. “DeLeon was stuck in the past and couldn’t see the bigger picture. His death just moved things along. You and I won’t have the same problems, I presume.”

“Two more deaths and you’ll find yourself on the committee, too.” I take a sip of my drink. “If it happens soon enough, you’ll be able to use the Brotherhood’s funding to push along your campaign.”

Grant shrugs. “I welcome the continued support of the Brotherhood in any way they see fit. If you’ll excuse me, I have a flight to catch.”

Grant walks away and Brooks whistles under his breath. I’m not sure when he approached, but it sounds like he heard enough.

“Damn. I take back what I said earlier.”


“Him not being able to do both. Dude is downright evil.”

I snort, taking a sip of my drink. “Aren’t we all?”

“Touché.” He sets down his empty glass and says, “As fun as this has been, I have some recruiting to do.”

Brooks has the unlucky task of being the Face of the Brotherhood. While we’re a secret organization, therearepeople who know about us. People who will do or pay anything to join, but don’t stand out enough to be initiated during their collegiate years. It’s Brooks’ job to draw those people in, giving them an audition with the Brotherhood and, let’s be real, encouraging them to empty their pockets for a chance at becoming a member. Even if they don’t get in, they can say they had their chance at glory.

“Where are you off to next?”

“New York. There’s some rich prick that’s been foaming at the mouth to join. Won’t stop blowing up my email and now Zhang is riding my dick about giving him an interview.”

“Didn’t go to college?”

“He went. He didn’t get an invite back then.”

“Let me guess. His old man died and now he has a ton of money and is willing to make a generous donation to the Brotherhood?”

“Close. He’s marrying some heiress, and her money is bankrolling this audition.”

“Wonder if she knows?”

“Probably not.” He looks me over. “You should come. It could be like old times.”

I snort. “Old times, eh?”

Old times means we’ll end the night with a woman on each arm and more booze than should be humanly consumed. We haven’t had a night like that in a very long time.

“Think about it. Might get the guy to be even more generous with his donation having you there.”

“So it’s basically a done deal, then?”

“That’s how it’s gone the last few times Zhang has sent me out. I’m just there to seal the deal.”

I hum under my breath. “Not sure I’m a fan of that.”

“It is what it is. We all know money makes the world go round, especially in our world. Think about it. I fly out in two hours.”

“I’ll let you know.”

There are more important things I should do, so I probably won’t go. That list includes finding DeLeon’s murderer, speaking to Blanc about the duties that will be expected of me now that I’m an Elite Member, and several other things. As good as living it up one last time with Brooks sounds, I really should pass…
