Page 17 of Violent God

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The server’s eyes widen. “I’ll see what I can do, sir.”

Brooks snorts and says, “I’ll have what he’s having.”

Caruso clears his throat. “Never had that one before. Is it any good?”

“The best.”

He calls after the server, “I’ll have one, too.”

Brooks says, “So, Caruso. I read in your file that you’ve wanted to be a member for a while now. Can you tell us why you want to join?”

I’ve only sat in on a handful of interviews like this, and the answers are usually the same. They want to join because they know someone who is allegedly in the Brotherhood and want to follow suit. Or their family member is a member. Basically, anything to achieve eternal glory or some shit like that. What I’m not expecting is what comes out of Caruso’s mouth.

“Seems like a great way to get easy pussy.” He laughs loudly at his own joke. “I’m mostly kidding.”

“What’s the real answer, then?” Brooks asks.

“I like the idea of having so much power that people fear me.”

I lean forward, holding his gaze. “Do you fear me?”


What a fucking fool.

I smile. “Then what makes you think you’ll strike fear into others?”

Caruso doesn’t have an answer to that. His mouth opens and closes a few times, reminding me of a fish.

A fish I’d like to stomp.

Our drinks and bottle of Macallan are delivered, and Brooks takes a sip of his before saying, “What Mr. Moretti is trying to say is that the Brotherhood is more than striking fear into people. We are the ones that make the world go round. Without us, civilization as we know would cease to exist.”

I snort softly into my drink. God, the Brotherhood knew what they were doing when they put Brooks in this role. He’s good at selling this shit. Better than me, that’s for sure.

But Caruso is eating it up, nodding. “Right. That’s why I want to join. To be a part of something like that.”

Brooks says, “Glad to hear it. Now, we’ve reviewed your financial documents. Everything appears to be in order, but we’ll need to make sure that the marriage between you and Ms. Bass happens before we can offer an invitation to join.”

“Oh, that’s no problem. It’s a done deal.”

“How did the two of you meet?” I ask.

I know, but I want to hear his version.

“We’ve lived in the same area for years. We were classmates, though she was a few years behind. Never hung out much until her father approached me a few months ago.”

“Why is that?” At his look, I clarify, “Why didn’t you spend time with her until a few months ago?”

He makes a face. “She’s a fat thing. Not my normal type. But she has so much fucking money that I guess I can look past all that. Besides, once we’re married, I’ll make her lose weight or threaten to leave her.”

My grip is so tight on my tumbler that I’m surprised it doesn’t break.

Caruso doesn’t seem to notice and finishes his drink, waving the server over to pour him another. Fucking dick won’t even pour his own drink?

He asks, “How often does the Brotherhood meet?”

Brooks answers, “It depends. Usually quarterly, though, the Elite Members meet more often. We also hold a holiday party where our families are encouraged to attend and a charity event that the wives host.”
