Page 24 of Violent God

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Like hewantsto marry me.

“You may kiss the bride.”

Blood pounds in my brain, leaps to my heart, and makes my knees tremble. He wouldn’t! Alessandro gives me a wicked smile as he leans in. Minty breath fans my face right before his lips caress mine. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn’t this. This is sweet and kind and maybe a bit dreamy. My lips part on a soft exhale, and that’s when he deepens the kiss. His hand cups the back of my head, holding me close as his tongue explores the recesses of my mouth.

Fire and desire course through me, confusing me. How can I feel this way about someone I don’t know? My head spins. I press my palm against his chest to center myself and feel his rapid heartbeat beneath my touch. My own heart thuds against my ribcage in response. Just when I think I can’t take any more, he pulls back, looking down at me.

The glint is still in his eyes, though it feels more dangerous somehow, like he might devour me at any moment. The thing is, I kind of think I want to be devoured by him. His lips are swollen and there’s a smudge of my pink lipstick on his mouth. Without thinking, I reach up, rubbing off the lipstick. He captures my hand, turning it to kiss my palm. We stare at each other before it dawns on me that we’re in a church in front of people who are staring at us. Not only that, but he just crashed my wedding and married me.

All the warmth I felt seconds ago vanishes and fear settles deep in my chest. The priest says something else, but all I hear is the blood whooshing in my ears. Alessandro takes my hand, pulling me alongside him down the aisle. Faces once again blur as we exit the nave and enter a room. How did he know this was the room I was in before the wedding started?

“Get your things.”

I should fight. Tell him no and to get lost. But I don’t. My bag sits in the corner, so I shuffle to it, making sure it’s closed before turning to Alessandro.

“That’s it?”

I nod.

“Weren’t you going on a honeymoon?”

“Yes?” I’m not sure why my answer comes out like a question.

His lips twitch. “Most women would have more than a single bag for a honeymoon.”

“Been married a lot?” I lift an eyebrow. “Besides, I believe we established a long time ago that I’m not most women.”

He snorts. “You’re my first bride,Dolcezza.”

I hate that his answer makes me happy, which just shows how messed up I am. I should be fighting him, kicking and screaming…doing anything to get away… Not having a semi-friendly conversation about whether he’s been married before. And I certainly shouldn’t be glad that he hasn’t!

“What’s going to happen now?”

“Now?” He gives me a lazy smile. “Now we’re going on our honeymoon. Come.” I reach for my bag, but he says, “Leave it. My men will get it.”

The same men who stormed the church? The same men he threatened would kill anyone who moved…

Icy fear makes it hard to think. What am I doing? I have to get away from Alessandro. Giosuè is somewhere in this church, I hope, and he’ll help me sort this out.

No, he won’t. The little voice in the back of my mind taunts.You were going to leave him at the altar, and he knew it. Why would he help you?

“Forget it.”

I meet Alessandro’s gaze. “What?”

“Forget whatever it is you’re thinking right now. If you run, I will find you. No one is going to save you. They’re dead if they try.”

My breath hitches. “Why are you doing this?”

“It doesn’t matter why.”

“It does.”

His gaze hardens. “Come.”

I’m torn.

I want to fight him, but I’ve had a lifetime of doing what I’m told. So, I do what I’ve always done, and I follow him, even though I hate myself.
