Page 38 of Violent God

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My jaw tics and he laughs.

“Just a bit funny.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“A few days ago, you were laughing at me because I was ready to get home.” He gestures toward me. “My, how the mighty have fallen.”

“Fuck off.”

I don’t even bother to deny it because he’s right. Iamready to get home. Business kept me away longer than I expected, making me feel like shit. I know Isabetta has somewhat settled into a routine while I’ve been away. Donna has told me all about it with a few choice added words. Mostly about what a piece of shit I am. The thing is, she’s right. Iama piece of shit. I should have told Blanc no when he called. Hell, I shouldn’t have answered his call in the first place.

DeLeon left behind one hell of a mess that is going to require more clean-up than anyone expected. Some of that falls on me because of my Mafia ties, but a lot of it falls on others within the Brotherhood. By the time this is all sorted out, more people within our group will know what a monster DeLeon was. The only positive thing is that Blanc held up his end of the deal and sent me information on Zhang and the requirements for recruitment. I haven’t had time to dive into the documents in depth, but from what I can see, Zhang has been using new recruits for his own benefit, which is why Caruso was offered a chance to join. Well, that’s going to stop as soon as I gather more proof of what Zhang is up to.

Hector says, “Let’s go, man.”

I nod and stand. He motions for me to go first, so I do. His wife is waiting when I pass and a moment later, I hear her squeal when she sees her man. Isabetta’s face crosses my mind. Maybe one day I’ll get a greeting like that.

The ride is quick, since it’s Tuesday night, and before I know it, I’m walking into the penthouse. The lights are out, but I don’t turn on any as I make my way to the second floor. The bedroom door is closed. Apprehension makes me pause as I reach for the knob. I’ve had a week to think about what I was going to say to her when I finally saw her. But now that I’m here, everything has gone out of the window. What if she tells me to fuck off? She’d have every right.

I almost turn away.

Fuck it.

Opening the door, I stroll into our room. It’s dark, but there’s light coming in from the window that illuminates her sleeping form. She’s on my side of the bed, which pulls at something deep inside of my chest. She’s sleeping on her side, one leg kicked from under the blanket. Moving closer, I see she’s wearing an oversized t-shirt. Pink, from the looks of it. It’s crept up in her sleep and I catch a glimpse of cotton panties with little flowers on them.


I have to force myself to take a step away from her. I’ve already fucked things up once. I’m not going to do it again. No matter how much I want her. Strolling across the room, I enter the closet, reaching for my tie. Loosening it, I pull it over my head, tossing it in the laundry basket. My shirt is next, followed by my pants, socks, and then boxers. I always sleep nude because of my hot nature. Since I’m an early riser, I’ll be long gone before Isabetta wakes. For now, I just need to shower and then go to sleep.

Leaving the closet, I go to the bathroom and shower, washing off the grime from two days’ worth of travel. The hot water soothes my tense muscles, and I stay under the spray until the water cools.

Isabetta hasn’t moved when I exit the bathroom, but her lips are parted. I grin as she softly snores. Fucking adorable. Careful not to disturb her, I climb into bed. It’s strange not being on my normal side of the bed, but it’s not so bad since I’m facing her. I move close enough that I can smell the sweet scent of her shampoo. Closing my eyes, I exhale. It feels good to be home.


Opening my eyes, I find Isabetta looking over her shoulder at me.

“Did I wake you?”

She shakes her head. “No. When did you get home?”

“Landed about thirty minutes ago.”

“I’m glad.” She yawns. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. Go back to sleep.”

She works her bottom lip with her teeth before saying, “You put off a lot of heat.”

“Do I?”

“I think maybe that’s what woke me.” She pauses. “Would it be weird if I asked you to scoot closer? I’m kind of cold.”

My cock jerks at her words, but I answer, “I’m naked, Isabetta, and being that close to you is a lot of temptation.”

“I trust you.”
