Page 4 of Violent God

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“Vinny said you could clean up my beard.”

Freaking Vinny.

“I can get Gia to do it. She’s much better.”

As much as I hate to give her credit for anything, sheisbetter.

“The brunette at the front door with fake tits?” He shakes his head. “No. I want you.”

Heat courses through me.If only…

“I haven’t done very many of these,” I warn. “So if you walk out of here missing half of your beard, then it’s on you.”

His lips twitch. “I trust you.”

Vinny taught me how to do this after a bachelor party booked with the shop, and he realized he didn’t have enough people who knew how to give a proper shave. Instead of telling the client no, he made each staff member attend a workshop that he held on a Saturday evening to learn the art of shaving.

It was one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever done.

I’m still having similar feelings as I reach for the hot towel and put it on the man’s neck. While he relaxes, I pick the shaving cream I’m going to use. The line that the shop carries is fairly basic, but I pick the one with the spicy scent that I like. Reaching for the now cool towel, I remove it.

“You said just clean it up?”


Nodding to myself, I apply the shaving cream on his neck. Opening the straight razor, I inhale before running it along the man’s neck in a smooth upward stroke. This is the terrifying part. Like, this man’s life is literally in my hands. If I press too hard, I’ll cut him. And the razor is sharp enough that it will slice through the skin like a knife through butter. I swallow and it’s audible. The man doesn’t tell me to stop, so I make my second stroke. A few moments later, I’m finished, he’s not bleeding, and I didn’t do a terrible job. I exhale softly. Yay to me.

Looking up, I find he’s watching me.

My cheeks are warm as I say, “You’re done.”


How can he make one word sound so yummy? Nodding, I grab the bubblegum pink mirror and pass it to him. His lips twitch as he looks over his beard.

“Very nice.”

Just when I thought I couldn’t melt any more…

“I’m glad you like it.”

He moves from the chair, standing. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out his leather wallet, opening it. Holy moly. There are several hundred-dollar bills in there! My gaze jumps away. I don’t want him to think I’m eyeing his cash or anything. Not in this neighborhood where something like that can get you jumped or even killed.

“This should cover it.”

I risk a glance at him to find him holding out cash toward me. Oh my good god! He’s holding five hundred dollars!

I have to clear my throat twice before I can speak.

“You don’t pay me, sir. You pay Franny or Gia at the front desk.”

“This is a tip for doing such a fine job.” He leans in and says in a low tone. “Even if I didn’t get rubbed.”

A nervous laugh bubbles past my lips, but I manage to say, “I really can’t take that. It’s too much.”

I want to take it. God, there’s so much that I could do with five hundred extra dollars, but I know it’s not right. He must sense my debate, because he gives me a cheeky smile as if to say, ‘you know you want it’. I shake my head and take a step back, putting distance between us.

“I really can’t.”
