Page 6 of Violent God

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“True.” He glances at the man tied in the chair before us. “Shall we end this?”

“Let’s give our friend here one last chance to make things right. So,amico, are you ready to talk now?”

He nods. “Sì! I’ll tell you everything I know.”

“I thought you might. Where’s the money?”

“It’s in an account.” He rattles off the number and gives me the access code. “My boss said the money is going to be moved in the morning. I don’t know where it’s going after that, I swear!”

“Very good. Did you remember your boss’ name?”

This is the third time I’ve asked and I’m starting to get pissed that he won’t answer. Surely, he knows how this ends. If he doesn’t give me a name, I’ll torture him until he finally caves. I’m getting a name. One way or another.

He pales, making the blood splatters on his face stand out in stark contrast.

“I…I’m a dead man if I tell.”

“You’re a dead man if you don’t,” Hector points out.

Well, he’s dead either way, but hope is an excellent motivator when a person has nothing left to lose.

He finally nods, giving us the name we’ve been waiting for. Shock is etched on Hector’s face, but I suspected as much. I’ve been in this game a long time, and only someone with immense power can pull off a stunt like this.

“Thank you,amico. You’ve made this much easier for us.” I pull my pistol from the holster. “Unfortunately for you, you stole from the wrong group of people.” I shoot him once right behind the eyes and turn to Hector. “Ready for that beer?”

“Damn. Not even going to let his body hit the floor?”

A loud thud behind me has me raising my eyebrow, letting Hector know that I was right. Again.

Hector snorts. “After you, boss.”

We pass the clean-up crew on our way out. The man I killed won’t be missed, but I always tie up all loose ends. It’s what makes me the best at what I do.

“Not going to comment on the name he gave us?”

I reply, “Nope.”

“Of course not. Where are we off to next?”

“You mean after the drink?” I snort. “We’re going home, my friend.”

Hector says, “Let’s skip that drink, then.”

“In that much of a hurry to get home to your wife?”

Hector recently married his longtime girlfriend and they’re already expecting a child. If Hector didn’t love working for me so much, I might actually be worried that he’d pick them over me and the Family.

Hector answers, “You’ll understand one day.”


The choice isn’t up to me. Something I foolishly agreed to when I was younger and didn’t know any better. Thank god the Brotherhood seems to be fine letting me live my life as a bachelor, because a wife is the last thing I need.

Hector slaps my shoulder. “Good thing I’m having enough sex for the both of us.”

That has me laughing. “We both know that’s not true.”

Because while I have no intentions of getting married, I’m certainly not celibate. Quite the opposite.
