Page 69 of Violent God

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Seven days go by without a word from Alessandro. I try not to go into a tailspin of doubt and worry but fail miserably.

After Brooks dropped me off at the penthouse, the first thing I did was get out of the dress that Alessandro promised to cut off me.

It’s now in a pile on the closet floor.

I can’t bring myself to do anything with it.

The next thing I did was google my name. I found the same information that the Elite bitches found, and then some. It looks like the money became mine the day I turned twenty-eight, though I have no idea how to access it. I reached out to the bank listed on the website but haven’t heard from them. It’s frustrating, to say the least.

The third thing that’s happened is that I’ve been nauseous every day like clockwork. At first, I thought it was stress but now I’m not so sure. Alessandro’s words have crossed my mind more than once. Did we make a baby together? Am I pregnant?

It’s possible. We haven’t used protection once, and I’m not on birth control.

I wish I was confident enough to leave and get a pregnancy test, but that will raise questions. Questions I’m not prepared to answer. Not when I have my own questions that haven’t been answered. I think Donna is worried about me, but I don’t have it in me to ease her fears. Not when there are so many what-ifs dancing through my mind every moment that I’m awake.

I’m in the living room, staring out the window when the elevator doors open.

Alessandro enters the house, looking more disheveled than I’ve ever seen him look. There are smudges under his eyes, as if he hasn’t been sleeping, and his beard has grown unruly and wild.

I stand.

“Is everything okay?”

He crosses the room, pulling me into his embrace.

“I’ve fucking missed you.”

“You’re scaring me, Alessandro.”

His grip tightens, so I hold him back.


He finally pulls away.

“It’s been a long week,Dolcezza. I’ll be better once I shower and sleep.”

My heart falls. “Alessandro?—”

He shakes his head. “Please, Isa. I need you.”

I nod, and he grabs my hand, pulling me behind him. We make our way to our bedroom. He’s undressing me before the door even closes.

I should stop him…stop this before it goes any further.

There’s so much that we need to talk about. The money. The fact that I might be pregnant. The Brotherhood.

But one look in his eyes has me cupping his face.

“Hey. It’s okay. I’m here. Everything is okay, baby.”

He presses his cheek against my palm. I’ve never seen him like this, and it has me worried.

“Come on. Let’s get you undressed.”
