Page 74 of Violent God

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Greer stands. “Donna! How are the grandkids?”

“They’re well, Ms. Blanc. How are you?”

“Excellent. Do you think Chef can fix me the little pink drink that he always used to make for me?”

Donna glances my way and I nod.

“I’ll ask him. Mrs. Moretti, would you like anything to drink?”

I secretly like how she just emphasized themissuspart of my name. Way to show ‘em, Donna!

I say, “Water is fine with me. Aimée, would you like anything?”

Aimée frowns but says, “I’ll have what Greer is having.”

Donna dips her head before leaving. I feel a bit better knowing she’s aware that they’re here. If they aren’t supposed to be here, I’m sure she’ll make sure they’re gone before too long.

As if sensing my thoughts, Aimée says, “I can’t believe our husbands thought it would be okay to put us on lockdown while they’re off doing god knows what.”

“Mr. Blanc is with Alessandro?”

She lifts a shoulder in a shrug. “I would assume so, though one can never tell with them.” She says to Greer, “Do you remember that one time they said they had work, and we found out they were here, in Vegas, living it up?”

Greer smiles. “Wasn’t it when Brooks finally divorced that terrible woman?”

“No, it was when Dimitri and Serafina found out they were expecting the twins.”

Greer’s smile fades. “Poor Serafina.”

Aimée turns to me. “How rude we’re being. You don’t know who any of these people are, do you?” Before I can answer, she continues, “Greer and I sometimes forget that not everyone has been with the group as long as us.”

“It’s fine. Alessandro has spoken about his friends, so I know a little about Mrs. Santos passing away recently.”

Both women look surprised. I shouldn’t get satisfaction out of shocking them, but I do. A lot of satisfaction.

Greer nods. “You would have liked Serafina. She was kind, as you are.”

Donna arrives at that moment with our beverages.

As she hands me mine, she says in a low tone, “They should be leaving soon.”

“Thank you.”

Like clockwork, Aimée’s phone rings.

“Hello? Yes, I’m at Alessandro’s house. Greer is with me.” She pauses. “No, I didn’t bring my guard. Honestly, Charles, I think you’re getting a bit carried away with this.”

She pauses again. This time I can hear pieces of what her husband is saying. Words like ‘idiot’ and ‘never listen’ stand out.

“I understand, dear. Greer and I will return to the prison, I mean, our house, immediately.” She ends the call with a huff and stands. “We need to leave. Greer, darling, don’t forget to get the things that you came for.”

I echo, “Things?”

Greer stands, too. “I left some toiletries in my room and a few changes of clothes. Would it be okay if I got them before I left?”

I’m momentarily stunned. Her room? Changes of clothes? How long ago were she and Alessandro together?

“Of course.”
