Page 77 of Violent God

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The Brotherhood doesn’t want Alessandro to be married, which means I’m their enemy. Dread coils through me. I now feel like I’m fighting for my life. My hand goes to my stomach. And I might even be fighting for two.



Alessandro is home before the week is up. He enters the bedroom, seeking me out. I’m in the closet hanging up some clothes I ordered online. I mean, it’s not like there’s a whole lot of other things I can do. I read. I eat. I sleep. I worry about Alessandro’s safety. I wonder if he’s lying to me. And now I shop for things I don’t need online. A lot.

Alessandro stands in the doorway and says, “That looks new.”

“It all is.” I gesture to the row of tops I just hung. “Don’t worry, I used my card to pay.”

A dark look flashes across his face. “I’m not worried about the money. In fact, I wish you would have used my card. I left it for you.”

I huff. “I’m aware. So, did this trip provide any insight into who is out to get the Brotherhood?”

He’s silent for a moment.


“Let me guess. You did, however, find another clue and came home long enough to make sure I’m okay before you take off again.” I lower my voice to sound like him. “I should be back by the end of the week,Dolcezza. And I promise I’ll do everything I’ve said I’ll do for the last month when I get back. This time I mean it.”

He touches my shoulder. “Isa?—”

I spin to face him. “You’re gone more often than you’re here. When you’re here, you’re on your phone, worrying about the Brotherhood. How long do you think we’re going to last like this?”

“I know, Isa, and I’m so fucking sorry.”

“I don’t want your apologies, Alessandro. I wantyou.” My eyes water and I swipe at a tear that escapes.

“Dolcezza, please don’t cry.” He pulls me into his embrace. “Fuck. It kills me to see you like this.”

“I’ve been like this for the last month. You’re just never around to see.” I push away from him. “We need to talk.”

Because I mean it when I say that we can’t go on like this. I can’t. Iwon’t.

Pushing past him, I go to the bedroom and sit on the bench at the foot of the bed. He stands near me, looking torn.

“Isa, my flight leaves in an hour.”

“Then you better sit, because if you don’t hear me out, you won’t get another chance.”

His eyes widen. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that this isn’t going to work. The Brotherhood is going to tear us apart before this mystery threat will.”

“You’re being unreasonable.”

“Unreasonable? Alessandro, you’ve been gone more days than you’ve been home since we’ve been married. You’ve rescheduled our honeymoon so many times that I don’t even bother asking when we’re going. I sit here, doing nothing while you’re gone because you’re afraid to let me leave. Tell me, how am I being unreasonable?”

“It’s for your protection.”

“But the only one hurting me is you.” I don’t try to hide the tears that are falling. “I should have spoken up sooner. I should have let you know how I was feeling, because I’m sure this is coming as a shock to you. I just…I can’t keep doing this.”

“Isa, I swear to god I’ll make it up to you once we find who is behind the letters.”

“Have you received another one?”

He shakes his head.
