Page 86 of Violent God

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“There’s a conference about to start that I’m dreading just because I think it’s going to get out of hand. But the people need to know the truth.”

I think back to an article I read online.

“Wait. Are you here to cover the republican presidential candidate debate?”

She frowns. “Yes.”

“That’s kind of cool.”

“Like I said, I think it’s going to get out of hand because some of the candidates are morons and seem to think pumping the earth for more oil isn’t going to backfire.”

“I must confess I don’t keep up with politics as much as I should.”

She snorts. “Many people don’t, which is how villains like Grant Carter even get a chance to run for the republican presidential candidate.”

“Grant Carter? Isn’t he…” I look around and lower my voice. “In the Brotherhood?”

“He is.”

“Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”

“Not for me. I’m not in the Brotherhood and my cousin doesn’t control what I do in my free time.” She looks at me. “You’ll learn to put your foot down. Otherwise, they’ll run right over you. Even Les can’t tell them no.”

She’s right to a certain extent. Alessandro can’t tell them no.

“I’m surprised the Brotherhood hasn’t tried to marry you off yet.”

She snorts. “My god, knock on some wood.” She raps her knuckles on the top of the table three times before I get a chance. “They’ve tried. First with Les. Then to a new recruit who was barely out of diapers. Thank god most of the members who need to be married are already married, or I’d be worried.”

“What do you mean the members who need to be married are married?”

“The Brotherhood only survives by bringing in new blood.” She gestures toward me. “From what Aimée said, you brought a lot of money with you when Les married you. That’s how they are able to stay afloat. Marrying women like us who have our own money that doesn’t belong to the Brotherhood.”

“Your own money?”

She nods. “My mother’s side of the family was very wealthy. She left it all to me, even though the Blanc side of my family tried their hardest to get their hands on it. Jacqueline Minty-Smith has a similar story, which I’m sure she told you all about.”

I laugh because Jacquelinedidtell me all about it.

She continues, “Charles and Peter handpick the brides for all the members, and believe me when I say, no one is picked unless they have money.”

“If that’s the case, then why wasn’t Alessandro married off before? And why is Brooks single? And Grant Carter, for that matter.”

“I don’t know why they never pushed for Les to marry after the failed attempt with me, but I suspect it’s because they knew that he would be loyal if he ever found love. And that’s something they can’t compete with. Brooks was married before, and they let him divorce the woman because she was on a downward spiral that ended up taking her life. Of course they were only worried about how her actions reflected on Brooks.” She frowns. “As for Grant Carter, well, I’d imagine he’ll be announcing something sooner rather than later. It hurts his odds of being elected if he’s single.”

“Again, I have to ask if that worries you.”

“Grant Carter and I are as opposite as night and day. There’s no way I’d ever marry someone like that.” She reaches for her purse. “So, where shall we go next?”

I smile. “I could use a new purse.”

“Excellent. Louis Vuitton is just across the street.”

As strange as it sounds, I think I may have found a friend in Greer. And, god, does it feel nice.

The next morning, I put my big girl panties on and finally make an appointment to see an obstetrician. They had an opening, which is where I’m at now. Luckily, the office is located inside of a family practice, so if anyone reports back to Alessandro where I’m going, I can say it was for a check-up.

My phone dings and I see Alessandro’s name on the screen. Speak of the devil…
