Page 91 of Violent God

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So, they’re going to kill me.

I nod. “Okay, so I marry Giosuè and then he gets in the society. It just doesn’t seem fair that you aren’t getting invited.”

His chest puffs out. “I agree, daughter, but Smith says I’ll be invited to join once Moretti is out of the way.”

“Because they’ll see you as a hero?” At his confused look, I say, “For helping them get rid of Moretti.”


My father is a bigger fool than I knew if he really thinks they’re going to let him join the Brotherhood. He doesn’t have money. Hell, neither does Giosuè, for that matter. He doesn’t have skills that the Brotherhood can use. Why on earth does he think they would want him to join?

“Is Smith how you were able to find me?”

He nods. “Yes. He’s been having you followed.”

There’s only one person who’s been with me when I’ve gone out. “Is it Steven?”

“Steven? No, the man following you is Neil.”

My nerves tense immediately.

“Neil is spying on me for your friend?”

“Not just you. He’s reporting on Moretti, too.”

It makes sense. Neil was with me when I went to the attorney’s office, but he has no idea that I saw the obstetrician. He also likely doesn’t know that I recently spent time with Greer Blanc. But how did he know where I was today?

My father continues, “We knew that you’ve been visiting the fountains in the mornings, so I took a chance, and it paid off.”

“It sure did.” I glance around. “I should go, though, before I’m missed. Moretti tends to check up on me at my apartment.”

He nods. “I’m not surprised. He’s known to be controlling.”

“That he is.” I go in for one last bit of information. “You’re sure Gerald Smith won’t betray us?”

“He won’t. He’s on our side.”

“What about his wife?”

“What about her?”

“She wasn’t very nice when I met her.”

He shrugs. “I don’t know the woman, but I know Smith. He won’t let us down.”

“Okay. How do I get in touch with you?”

“Send Gia a message on social media. She’ll let me know.” He smiles. “I’ll see you soon.”

I nod, taking a step away from him. Part of me is scared that he’ll try something the moment I turn my back on him, but he leaves first.

When he’s gone, I exhale. Oh my god.

Pulling out my phone, I finish texting Steven. He arrives moments later, and I climb into the back of the SUV.

“I need to go to Mr. Moretti’s office, but I need you to make sure we’re not being followed.”

“Followed, ma’am?”
