Page 93 of Violent God

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“Fuck. I don’t think Facilier or anyone in his group would try anything. They would be crazy to, especially since I have the support of Families across the US and he doesn’t. Going after me will bring war on him from the Families of Chicago and New York City.”

I exhale. “Okay, well, that’s good to know, but that doesn’t explain how my father knew what he did. And he said Smith’s name. First and last. How would he know that?”

Alessandro is silent.

“You’ve been looking for a phantom all these months. What if the real villain was right in front of you?”

He meets my gaze. “What do you mean?”

“I said it once before. What if the letters that you all received were fake? A way to throw everyone off their game and send you on a wild goose hunt.” I ask, “Did you see the other’s letters?”

He stills. “I saw them all. Except for Smith’s. Fuck. How could I be so blind?”

“Is there anyone in the Brotherhood that you can trust with this?”

“Brooks,” he answers right away.

“Then call Brooks, Alessandro, and let us sort this out.”


I nod. “I meant what I said. I miss you.”

Hope blooms in his gaze, but I take a step away from him.

“I can’t. My father said your driver, Neil, is watching me for Smith. I can’t let you touch me and then walk out there like nothing has changed.” My voice is filled with anguish when I speak again. “I love you and once you touch me, I won’t be able to let you go.”


“No. This is how it has to be. I trust you, Alessandro, and I trust that you’re going to fix this so we can be together without worry.”

I give him one last look before walking away from him.

I meant what I said. I trust him. And I trust that he’s going to fix this. When he does, then I’ll tell him about the baby.

I just hope and pray it’s not too late.



My entire world has been turned upside down by Isa’s visit, and not just because of what she told me about Smith and her father.

She loves me.

My wife loves me.


And I love her, but she has no fucking idea.

I should have told her a long time ago that I love her, too, but I didn’t.

Rubbing my face with my hands, I groan. I don’t deserve her or her love. But I’m going to do everything in my fucking power to spend the rest of my life trying to earn it. That starts now.

Lifting my phone, I call Brooks. He answers on the first ring.

“Are you still in Vegas?”
