Page 98 of Violent God

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“Yes. You said that it was a win-win to usemywife.”

His eyes widen in fear.

“That was your first mistake. Your second mistake is trusting that Smith will protect you. This is your last chance to come clean,amico. Tell us something that might save you from death.”

“D-death? No! You said you just wanted to chat!”

“Isn’t that what we’re doing? Chatting? Surely you didn’t think I’d let you walk out of here alive, though?” I move close enough to see the sweat beading on his eyebrows. “Give me something useful and I’ll make your death quick.”

He violently shakes in his chair.

Hector asks Brooks, “What was that thing the two of you used to do back in the day? Boss told me, but I can’t remember.”

Brooks grins. “Eyeball golf?”

“No. Something to do with cutting off fingers.”

“That was eyeball golf. We’d cut off a finger.” He makes a gesture as if he’s cutting off his index finger. “Then shove it in the eye socket. If the eye stayed intact, we’d use it for a round of golf. If not, we’d use a ball.” He snorts. “Of course, it’s hard to miss the nose at that angle, so shit happens.”

Hector nods. “Okay, maybe that was it.”

Brooks turns to me. “Want to play eyeball golf?”

“That depends on Caruso here.”

Caruso shakes his head. “No, please, no!”

“Then you better talk.”

There’s something he’s not saying. I can see it in his eyes. But he doesn’t have a choice in this. He’s either going to tell me or he’s going to die a slow and painful death. Hell, I’ll even let Brooks and Hector play a round of golf, if that’s what they want.

Finally, Caruso says, “He plans to kill Isabetta after the money is transferred into my account.”

My nostrils flare in fury. “Who?”

I expect him to say Smith.

“Her father. Dale Bass.”

“Thank you, Caruso. You’ve been most helpful.”

Pulling my gun from my holster, I shoot him right between the eyes.

Turning to Brooks and Hector, I say, “Let’s go pay Bass a visit.”

We exit the room that Caruso was in and go to the room next door.

Hector says, “We should look into getting something like this in Vegas. Did you notice the drains on the floor? I bet clean-up is a breeze.”

I snort. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

We enter the room where Dale Bass is being held. He, too, has been roughed up a bit, but not enough. I crack my knuckles. Not fucking enough.

He stares at me like a man without a fear in the fucking world.

I smile at him.

“Hello, Dad. It’s okay that I call you that, right?”
