Page 39 of Fight for You

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“Shh,” I console her, “It’s fine. She’ll be fine. You’ll see,” I say as I meet Dean's eyes and he’s staring at us, face grim, and in that moment I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince, Vie or myself.


“Marks’ family?” I look up at the surgeon that’s standing in the doorway of the emergency room, eyes scanning the waiting room. Vie scrambles out of the chair she fell asleep in.

“Me,” she says. “I’m her sister. This is her husband,” she says, pointing at me and the surgeon clears his throat.

“She lost a lot of blood, so much that we had to do a transfusion. I did emergency surgery to remove the bullet from her thigh. It nicked a main artery, but I was able to successfully remove all the shell and stop the bleeding. She’s out of surgery and in recovery. And I’m sorry, but due to visitor restrictions during Covid, only two of you will be allowed back.” He looks past us at the group we have with us. “Come on back when you’ve decided.”

“Go, Jaxson.” Lex says, nodding her head after the doctor. “Call us when you know more.” Genevieve and I take off after the surgeon, following him as he leads us to the recovery room. He motions for us to go in and seeing her almost drops me to my knees. It’s worse than the last time she was in the hospital, then she just had an IV hooked up to her with some wires. This time, she’s got a tube down her throat and she’s hooked up to so many machines.

“We’ll have a room ready for her soon,” the doctor says, pulling my attention towards him briefly. “We’ll be back when we’re ready to move her.” He excuses himself and leaves the hospital room. Genevieve is standing at the head of Avery’s bed, head bent over with her forehead pressed to Avery’s, her body shaking with sobs.

We both sit with her quietly, the room filled with only the sounds of the machines she’s hooked up to. It’s not long before two nurses come in to move her to a room and I excuse myself to call Janine, my neighbor who’s still with Blake. It’s nearing seven in the morning now, hours after this nightmare began. Her phone rings twice before she answers.

“Hello?” She says hurriedly.

“Janine, hey. It’s Jaxson,” I say, and she gasps.

“Is she okay?” I prop my back up against the wall in this hallway and sigh.

“She’s out of surgery and stable. We don’t know a lot yet. How’s Blake?” She assures me that he’s fine and none the wiser, he was just excited for a sleepover last night. She lets me know that my mom has already texted her and she’s going to pick Blake up from her later and that between the two of them, they’ve got him handled. I hang up with the promise of updating her once I know anything and I shoot a group text off to the guys, letting them know that we still don’t know much.

Jensen: Keep me posted on Avery. Graves is in custody and Weller is dead. Dana didn’t make it, man. I’m sorry.

His text is short and to the point and my fucking gut sours with the knowledge that I’ll have to tell Avery when she wakes up. Vie is curled up in the corner of one of the chairs in Avery’s room, arms wrapped around her knees and her eyes pointed directly at Avery.

“I was such a brat,” she says, swiping the tears off that are rolling down her cheeks. “She’s the best mom.” She whispers and my throat gets clogged with emotion at her words, knowing how much Avery would love to hear her call her that. That’s all she’s ever been to these kids; all she ever will be.

“Vie, we gotta talk,” I say, turning to her and she meets my eyes. “Dana didn’t make it,” I say, not mincing any words and Vie’s eyes squeeze shut, tears sliding down her lashes. “I’m so sorry,” I say, pulling her into my lap and she curls up against me, more sobs racking her small body. Eventually, the two of us fell asleep curled up in the chair.



I grumble in my sleep and shift a little, my head flopping forward, and it startles me awake. Blinking, the room comes into focus and I remember where I am. The hospital. Looking to the left I see Vie still asleep. My eyes land back on Avery and I blink again. And then I blink a few more times, trying to make sure what I’m seeing is real. Avery, staring back at me.

“Holy shit,” I jackknife up off the chair and close the distance between me and the bed. “You’re awake,” I say, and she starts to try and speak but nothing comes out. I scramble for her water jug that the nurse put in the room a few hours ago, holding the straw for her while she takes a small sip.

“How long have I been here?” She asks, her voice barely a hoarse whisper from the tube she had down her throat yesterday.

“Just since last night,” I respond, stroking a hand down her hair, relishing in the fact that she’s alive and awake. “They had to do emergency surgery to remove the bullet.” She nods her head, eyes flicking to Vie who’s still asleep and back to me. I already know what she’s going to say. “She didn’t make it, Ace.” Her eyes fall shut, much the same way Genevieve’s did, and she nods her head, pulling in a shaky breath. “I’m so sorry.”

“Me too,” her hand covers mine as a tear slides down her cheek, rolling off her chin and dropping onto her hospital gown.

“I need to let the nurse know you’re awake,” I lean forward and gently press a kiss to her forehead, letting my lips linger momentarily, soaking in the feel of her skin against them. Knowing that there was a possibility that I could have lost her. I quickly find the nurse and when I get back to the room, Genevieve is awake and sitting in bed with Avery, the two of them talking quietly. Vie climbs off the bed when the nurses come in to look Avery over. I pull her into a hug, and she squeezes me back.

“Would it be okay if I went home to shower and change?” She asks, eyes volleying between Avery and me.

“‘Course, kiddo. She’s gonna fall back asleep soon anyways.” I fish in my jeans pocket for my truck keys. Genevieve passed her driver’s test a few weeks ago. Her eyes widen when I toss them to her.

“Seriously?” She asks, looking from the keys in her hand to my face and I give her a nod. “Killer,” she screeches, throwing her arms around my neck before scurrying out of the room.

“Don’t speed!” I holler after her, but she’s long gone and I rough a hand through my hair, gut twisting at the thought of her driving my truck. I glance back at Avery and she’s smirking at me and shaking her head as the nurse checks her blood pressure and I just roll my eyes.


Two months later
