Page 23 of Havoc

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Pulling my computer into my lap, I settled in to do some research. Emilio De León was next. I used my phone to order Chinese food and then dug into the man’s life. People would probably think I was insane if they knew the things I was doing, but it was somehow therapeutic for me to examine the lives of those who’d taken my family’s. I couldn’t claim to be normal any longer. I knew once I started down this path it would change me.

Now that I was starting to accept what I’d become, and who I’d made myself into, it surprised me to realize it was sort of freeing, in a way. I’d spent my whole life obeying the law, conforming to society's expectations and standards. It was liberating to do anything you wanted and fuck what convention said.

The tiny spark that was left of my conscience reminded me that somewhere deep in my mind I cared what Dante thought. I was beginning to think of him as a friend, despite the danger in that. Remnants of my dream indicated I was worried about what my family would think if they could see me now, as well. I shoved those thoughts out of my mind and got back to my search.

Chapter 15


Istared at the email sitting on my screen as anger burned through me. Sal’s future son-in-law had come through. The kid knew his shit. Sitting in front of me was the list of names, information about the Guzman Cartel, and every piece of intel that I’d need in order to take on my wife’s killers.

The list that Paolo gave me had led to dead ends. Maybe he wasn’t as good as Sal’s kid. More likely, he was holding something back. Paolo had a reputation, and it was for being one of the best. He was elusive, though, and it’d taken time to track him down. The monster inside of me began to stir. For his sake, he’d better hope it was just incompetence. But I was sure that he was holding something back from me and I would find out what it was. The man would regret it when I did.

I forced a deep breath to refocus my attention on the screen. I stared down at the picture of Lyn Costa, now known as Havoc Quinnell. It couldn’t be. According to what the kid found, Havoc’s family had been present that day and had been killed in the same explosion as Maria. Rage and astonishment fought for control within me.

The connection between her and the Guzman Cartel didn’t stop there. Sal’s source had included photos of her outside of Santo’s apartment complex and inside the nightclub where Pérez was killed. Everything went red as rage won the battle. Keys scattered across the room and the computer went blank with a huge crack across the screen.

As the mist cleared from my eyes I noticed my fist still lodged in the keyboard. I forced another breath. I was slipping. The monster was taking over. Striding up to my room, I quickly stripped out of my suit. I left it lying on the floor and dragged on jeans, a t-shirt, and laced up my work boots. I was just pulling my black hoodie over my head when Luca appeared in the doorway.

His perceptive gaze scanned the room then settled on my face. Whatever he read there had his eyes narrowing. “Do you need my help?”



“I’ve got it under control,” I said shoving past him. The man was damn near family, but he knew better than to question me. I was in no mood to listen.

The email was burned into my mind and I didn’t remember much of the drive into the city. Fury was pushing me hard as I wound my way through the late-night traffic. Once I got to her apartment building, I cut the engine and sat there at the curb, breathing hard. I stared at the darkened dash as I contemplated what this all meant. The irony wasn’t lost on me that I’d just claimed the woman who was preventing me from avenging the murder of my wife. I squeezed the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white.

I didn’t remember getting out of the car or making my way upstairs. Picking the lock was something I could do in my sleep, and the surprise of finding that she’d changed it to try to keep me out was the only reason it filtered in through the fog of red in my mind.

I knew as soon as I stepped inside that she wasn’t home. Flipping the lock, I went over and sat on the couch to wait. The monster inside stewed and snarled, wanting his pound of flesh.

* * *

The soundof a key in the lock brought me out of my inner turmoil and I glanced at my watch. One a.m. I’d been sitting in her apartment for three hours and yet, it felt like minutes.

My eyes met hers as she flipped on the lights. Her jaw dropped and her mouth opened and closed a few times, but nothing came out. At least, nothing until I lunged for her. She squeaked and dropped the black bag she was carrying.

I reached her before she had a chance to draw the knife she had hanging off her belt. Her sweatshirt had ridden up as soon as she reached for it and I’d poured on more speed. My hand tightened over hers, preventing her from drawing it. Taking a fist full of her sweatshirt I slammed her into the nearest wall and her gasp echoed around the room.

Blanketing her body with my own I stared down into her shocked face. “What the hell-”


She fell perfectly still. The widening of her eyes was the only movement she made when I called her by her name. The blood drained from her face, making those gorgeous eyes seem deeper, darker than they had before.

The spark of anger in those blue depths was the only warning I got before she brought her knee up into my junk. I didn’t have enough time to move completely and she managed to catch me almost squarely in the balls. Hissing out a breath, I sagged against her, using my weight to try to keep her where I wanted her.

Havoc had other ideas. As soon as my attention was diverted she hooked a foot around my legs and managed to dig the heel of her boot into the back of my knee hard enough to crumple it.

“Fuck,” I muttered as she shoved me off center and I went down. I made sure to take her with me. Havoc landed on top of me, again knocking the breath from my lungs. She was hissing and struggling and I gave her a vicious grin and ground my hips up against her, letting her feel how hard her fighting back had made my cock.

Her face scrunched up in confusion as she stared down at me. I took a moment to admire the way she looked—imagining her head thrown back as she rode my dick—before I trapped her right arm, then leg. Confusion melted away and now she looked shocked as she struggled to rip her limbs from my grip. I used my other leg to shove off the ground and rolled us, reversing our positions.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and took up a guard position. Admiration sparked within me. She wasn’t just giving into me this time. She was ready, and judging by her strength, she’d be a worthy opponent on the mats. There were only two problems. We weren’t on the mats and I was still fucking pissed.

I used my position to my advantage and I encircled her throat with my hand. Hers went to my forearm automatically trying to dislodge my grip on her. When I squeezed hard her mouth opened silently and I saw true fear enter her eyes.
