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“Rory?” A whisper. I was sure he could hear my heart pumping on overdrive.

What? My killer knew my name? I pictured “The Student Surgeon Murder” segment on48 Hours.

“Rory?” Same whisper, more insistent now.

The voice seemed familiar, but hard to decipher. I could stand it no longer. Time to confront my enemy. I stood up, tightened the towel around my chest, and emerged from the closet, tennis racquet aloft. The hostile figure started to come into view.

“AAAAAAAAH!” I shrieked reflexively, preparing to charge the net.

Wait a sec. There he was, simply glowing as if in paradise, standing in my bedroom. A mirage. The shower must have warped my brain; I must be delirious.

Why would Amir Hadid be standing in my bedroom?

“Amir?! What the HELL?”

“Shhhhh, calm down,” he soothed, one hand covering my mouth to stifle the next scream. “I’m afraid there’s an intruder in your house, Rory. I saw your door flapping, half-open, after you came inside.”

“An intruder? Here?” I mumbled the words into his hand, the very fingers that had guided me through my first surgery. “No, Amir. Everything is fine. No one else is here except you.”

He looked at me like I was making no sense. “I always leave my door unlocked,” I explained. “Obviously, I didn’t close it properly. The wind must have swung it ajar.”

Then it hit me. “But wait—what were you doing watching my door, Amir? How did you know where I live?”

“I tried to find you at the hospital, but they said you wouldn’t be on duty today. I wanted to congratulate you on an excellent presentation and go over some teaching points. One of the nurses took pity and gave me your address. When I walked over here and saw your door half-open, I had a bad feeling...”

“I get it.” At that moment, I became acutely aware of the actual situation taking place. I was standing in front of my boss wrapped in a towel.Amirwas standinginmybedroomas if this seemed very natural.

There was a serious problem: the towel tied around my body would not stay up if I so much as took one more step.

In fact, there it went. Just as I perceived the towel unraveling, I desperately fumbled to close it. Too late—the wrap landed on the floor, and there I stood.

I reached down, horribly self-conscious, my breasts swinging like two bells tinkling to celebrate this Insanely Awkward Moment.


Why didn’t I dive down and finish scooping up the towel? I was frozen, paralyzed. Amir’s eyes were roving over my body. I watched him watching me. It felt as if we were about to fight a duel—who would pull his or her weapon first? His seemed to be coming out of its zippered holster. He yanked off his glasses and dropped them on the nightstand.

Then he advanced, swept me up like a bride, and brushed off the babushka. My wet hair sprayed his frame. Wait, I hadn’t given consent for what was about to happen. What did the student code say about that? There must be a form I was supposed to sign.

Too late now. Clothes be damned, I wrapped my legs around his pelvis, straddling his midsection.

Could this be really happening? I kissed Amir’s soft upper lip, then his lower one, unfurling my tongue into his mouth. I could almost taste his testosterone.

He carried me to the bed, leaned over me, his biceps tensing, and lowered himself next to my body. His mouth was trailblazing between my breasts, moving down, down to my thighs. Then he started upwards again, making me crazy along the way.

He gently kissed my left thigh in a precise observational way, then my right, sampling every pore with maddening intensity.

His tongue was operating surgically on my skin. I felt wide open and defenseless.

“Amir, please wait.” Yes, I found my voice and tried to pry his head from between my thighs. Why was I doing that?

This resistant version of me had become the real intruder here.

Without thinking, I sat up, arms protecting my chest, legs crossed like a warning sign for an approaching train. Against my conscious will, the gates had come down.

No, Rory, I challenged myself silently, let him pass through!

“You’re my boss, we’re not supposed to do this,” I heard this other, intruding voice say.
