Page 6 of Cruel Captor

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His gaze frosts over. He stands up abruptly, and I stiffen, but he walks over to the tray table closest to us. He picks up a Taser and heads for Heather’s bed.

She struggles into a sitting position, her eyes widening with fear.

“Please don’t… Please…” she whimpers, scooting away from him.

I leap to my feet, but I’m still dizzy and weak, and fall to my knees, banging them painfully on the wooden floor. “Stop! I’ll tell you!” I yell.

He ignores me. He points the Taser at her and presses a button, and her body goes rigid and then spasms. He just stands there, his finger on the button as her body shakes and she makes agonized grunting noises.

“Stop it!”I shout louder. “I said I’ll tell you! Leave her alone!”

He ignores me.

I don’t beg him again. What good would it do? I just press my lips together hard and twist away so I’m not looking at her convulsing, tortured body.

He finally finishes and sets the Taser down on the tray table with a clang. I hear Heather gasping in shock and misery. “You didn’t have to do that to me. Why did you do that…?” she wails. I glance over at her. She’s picking at the Taser’s little metal prongs with shaking hands, ripping them from her shirt.

Micah grabs my arms and hauls me back onto the bed, his fingers digging painfully into my flesh. “Now, where were we?” he says pleasantly, his fingers pinching tighter and tighter.

I suck in an angry breath but force myself to bite down on my rage. It will only make things worse. Not just for me, but for Heather.

I’ve descended to a new level of hell. Knowing I face my own torture is bad enough, but knowing he’s going to torture her too and there’s nothing that I can do to stop him… How can I survive this?

“I didn’t leave with you because I’m not into hookups.” I force the words out. “You asked me to leave the club with you right then and there. And then we’d either have done it in your limo, or maybe I’d get lucky and you’d actually let me sleep in your bed. And then you would have sent me on my merry way in the morning without bothering to get my number, and I would have felt gross and rejected. Why bother?”

He relaxes his hands, holding me lightly now. “What should I have done instead?”

I grimace in disgust. I’m helping a lunatic figure out how to more effectively seduce women. I silently apologize to his future victims and keep talking. If I don’t, he’ll torture Heather again. “Well, I guess if you were genuinely interested in me, you should have asked for my phone number and asked me out to dinner, or at least coffee.”

He nods, not looking at me. “So I should have pretended I was interested in getting to know you as a person. Interesting.”

“Interesting?Joshua always says that,” I sneer at him before I can stop myself. Maybe not the smartest thing to do, considering how enraged he is at his brother.

He slaps me across the face, hard, and my lip splits and starts to bleed.

My self-defense training kicks in and my body twitches with the need to strike back, but I force myself to settle down. I just glare at him.

I’ll wait for an opportunity, but now is not the time. Not when my muscles are still weaker than wet linguine strands and all his attention is focused on me. I will need the element of surprise and the ability to hit hard if I am to have any hope at all of escaping him.

Yes, I trained in Krav Maga and other techniques with Joshua for months, but I never got to the point where I even came close to being able to kick Joshua’s ass. Or Micah’s. Aside from the fact that they’re both physically larger than me, they’re also both naturally stronger, more coordinated, and faster than I am. And there aren’t many women who can take on a man in a fight and win, especially with a mere few months of training.

Micah was locked up for years, but he never let himself get weak and flabby. He’s still carved from the same mold as Joshua, with rock-solid muscle and an air of lethal grace. And since he hacked into Joshua’s video security system, he’ll know about those months of training. Every trick that Joshua taught me, he’ll know, and he’ll be prepared to counter them.

I also don’t know how I’ll get out of here. A glance at the door shows me an eye-level panel to the side of the door frame, so it’s probably a retina scanner. I would have to knock him unconscious, drag him over to the door, use his eye to open the lock. But I don’t know what I’ll even find beyond that door. Does he have anyone working with him? Would I just escape this room and run right into a security guard?

My best hope of survival is to learn more about where we’re being held captive, then wait until he’s distracted and deliver a knockout strike. Then I’ll kill him while he’s subdued. I have to tell myself that my chance will come. It’s the only way of keeping my sanity.

He bares his teeth in a frightening smile that looks like a snarl, and I flinch away involuntarily. When he drops that mask, I see snakes slithering under the surface of his skin, and he’s the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen.

“I think you’ve had enough time to recover,” he says. “It’s important for you to have your strength. You’ll need it so you can scream.” He means the words to frighten me, and they do. My heart is beating against my ribcage as he grabs me and hauls me across the room to the chair.

I flail weakly and struggle, but I haven’t recovered from the drugs, and it wouldn’t matter if I had. He overpowers me quickly and forces me into the chair.

I manage to climb halfway out of it as he’s cuffing one of my wrists to the chair’s arm. He looks up at me dispassionately. “Lie still and put your arms and legs down, or I’ll shove a red-hot poker up Heather’s cunt.”

I stop fighting instantly. I’m sure he means what he says.

He straps me down, my legs splayed open, with the camera pointed obscenely at my exposed sex like a leering eye.

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