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And now, that same man was standing in the center of a room full of people, acting like he was an instructor for Toastmasters.

He blew out a breath from his lungs and turned to me. “Marin, I know it’s usually your father who speaks at these kinds of things,” he began, giving me a nervous smile. “But he happily gave over the reins for the night when I told him what I had planned.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed my siblings passing out tall glasses of champagne.

Oh. I let out a sigh of relief.He’s giving the birthday toast.

I felt the tense muscles in my body relax, knowing my family always made a big fuss before the candles were lit.

“I know it might come as a shock to most of you, but speaking in front of a crowd isn’t exactly something I excel at. In fact, speaking at all to anyone can be somewhat of a challenge. Marin can attest to that; it took me four weeks just to work up the courage to say hello to her.”

Several chuckles could be heard around the room as he took the moment to collect himself. I joined in, feeling my nerves kick into overdrive once more.

Seriously, what the hell is going on?

“I thought about doing this in the elevator where we met, but when else am I going to have all of you in one room again? So, here goes.”

And then he dropped to one knee.

* * *

I’d like to say the rest of the evening went off with a hitch.

In a perfect world, the tears that had started running down my face would have been the happy kind, and I would have looked down at Curtis and said yes without a second thought.

But as I’d come to find out, the world was not perfect, nor was it filled with perfect people.

And I was a shining example.

“Can I get you anything, hon?” the nurse asked as she entered through the exam room door. Her badge saidEve, and she was covered head to toe in teal.

I cannot believe they took me to the freaking emergency room.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks,” I answered softly.

She gave me an encouraging smile, checking my vitals before walking back toward the door. “Dr. Matthews will be in shortly. The call button is right next to you if you change your mind or want to turn on the TV.”

“Thank you.”

The door clicked closed as I looked around the cold, empty room. I sniffled slightly, wiping my nose and my cheeks for probably the hundredth time. The tears had long since dried up, but the aftereffects lingered. My eyes felt puffy, my chest ached, and my throat was so dry that I could barely swallow.

I probably should have asked for a cup of water, but I already felt like an incredible nuisance for even being here. The ER was for emergencies.

Not…whatever this was.

As I sat there, alone and miserable, having sent Elena off to find coffee and Curtis?—

I looked down at my left hand, my ring finger still bare, and felt the quickening in my breath.

The way he’d looked at me.

So sure. So full of hope and love.

And then I…

I can’t breathe.

“Oh God. Not again.”
