Page 122 of Don't Be Scared

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Tiffany ignored the hidden innuendoes in his tone. They’d covered this territory before, and Dustin obviously hadn’t taken the hint. The scene in the old barn emphasized the fact. Dustin had never hidden the fact that he would like to pursue a more intimate relationship with her, but Tiffany just wasn’t interested. Dustin seemed to assume that her lack of interest was due in part to loyalty to Ellery, and Tiffany didn’t argue the point. He just couldn’t seem to get it through his thick skull that she wasn’t interested in a relationship with a man—any man.

Except Zane Sheridan,her mind taunted. Would she ever be able to get him out of her mind? In four days, he hadn’t phoned or stopped by the farm. All of his concern for her while he was here must have been an act, a very convincing act. Still, she couldn’t forget him.



Dustin was frowning at her. He’d finished his coffee, and the cup was sitting on the table. His empty plate showed only a few crumbs and a pool of melted butter where his cinnamon rolls had sat. “You haven’t heard a word I said,” he accused.

“You’re right.”

“So where were you?”


“You looked as if you were a million miles away.”

“Oh, I guess I was thinking about Moon Shadow,” she lied easily, too easily. “Mac thinks another one of his foals will be born tonight.”

Dustin leaned back in his chair and let out a low whistle. “No wonder you’re worried. If this one dies, the press will be crawling all over this farm again. Maybe I’d better stay a few extra days.”

Waving off his offer, she shook her head. “No reason. You know you’re welcome to stay as long as you like, but if you have things to do, go ahead and do them. I can handle everything here.”

He walked around the table, stood behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “You’re sure?”

Tiffany tensed. “Of course I am.”

As if receiving her unspoken message, he dropped his hands to his sides. “You know that’s one of the qualities I admire about you, Tiff, your strength.”

“I guess I should be flattered.”

Dustin stepped away from her and rested his hips against the counter. All the while his eyes rested on her worried face. “Is something else bothering you?” he asked.

“Isn’t that enough?”

“I suppose so.” He shrugged his broad shoulders and folded his arms over his chest. Silent reproach lingered in his eyes. The air in the kitchen became thick with tension.

Tiffany heard the screen door bang shut. Within minutes Mac was in the kitchen.

“Don’t tell me, you smelled the coffee,” Tiffany guessed, reaching for a cup and feeling relieved that the inquisition with Dustin was over for the moment.

“Aye, that I did.”

“Well, pull up a chair, sit yourself down and help yourself to a roll, while I get you a mug.”

Mac’s faded eyes rested on Dustin. Not bothering to hide a frown, he cocked his head toward the younger man. “’Evenin’, Dustin. Didn’t expect you back for a while.”

Tiffany handed Mac the cup.

Dustin managed a tight grin as he offered the older man his hand. “I read an article about the foals dying and thought I should come back—” his gold eyes moved to Tiffany “—since no one bothered to tell me what was going on.”

“I thought I’d wait until Vance had something concrete to go on,” Tiffany stated.

“And how long would you have waited?”

“Not much longer.”

“It was a hell of a way to find out, you know,” Dustin said, his anger surfacing, “by reading about it in the paper.” He rammed his fingers through his hair in frustration. For a moment he appeared haunted.
