Page 70 of Finding Home

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“I still want to buy that sexy painting,” Madi says when we walk back into the garage. “Come on, Kylie. You have to sell it to me!”

Dante comes up and puts his arm around me. He grins and says, “Then I’ll just have to sit and model for another portrait.”

It takes Madi a full second to realize what he means, and when she does, her eyes widen and her mouth drops open.

“Oh my God!” she screams, then starts making loud retching noises.

“Still want to buy that painting?” I laugh.

“Mystery solved,” Sam says with a chuckle, patting Madi on the back in mock sympathy. “Although, we should have guessed.”

That surprises me. “How in the world would you have guessed the man is Dante?”

Sam shrugs. “Because he’s the only man you’ve had the hots for all of your life.”

Dante smiles as a blush steals over my cheeks. He cups my chin and turns my head to kiss me. Madi makes the retching noises again and we all laugh.

Some people, like Madi, never change. Which is a good thing. But some people do change. I look into Dante’s eyes and smile, then turn to look at my friends.

No matter where our lives take us in the future, we’ll always have the treehouse and our friendship to come back to. I lean my head on Dante’s shoulder. Life could not be more perfect.

