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Personality: Cheery and bright. Worrier.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Is a hugger. Wears a silver chain around her neck.

Preternatural features: Powers of life, love, and birth.

Other: Can create many beautiful things with her touch—like the trees of Aios. Voice like spun gold and windchimes. Slumbers in the Skotos Mountains in Blood and Ash timeline.

Background: Was very young when Kolis killed Mycella. Was one of Kolis’s favorites at one time—kept in a cage of gilded bones until she gutted a guard and escaped.

Family: Cousin = Mycella †. Second Cousin = Nyktos.


When Sera arrives in the Shadowlands, Aios is called to take her to her chambers and have food sent up. She’s startled when she feels an electric jolt when her skin touches Sera’s. She reveals that Sera’s room has been ready for a while and was dusted frequently just in case. She tries to settle Sera by telling her that she trusts no one in either realm more than she does Nyktos and wouldn’t feel safer anywhere else. She leaves to get what Sera needs and returns with food and a belted chenille night rail.

Bringing clothing for Sera, she tells her more about godlings and the Culling. She asks Sera if she previously knew about the deal. As talk turns to her, she reveals what Court she once served and says that she came to the Shadowlands because it was where she knew she would be safe.

Sera watches Aios help Reaver learn to fly. Later, Aios helps Sera after the Gyrm attack and brings her a robe and some whiskey. She informs Sera that Veses is gone and then leaves when Nyktos arrives.

As she and Sera spend time together, Aios tells her that Mycella used to tell her about Veses being kind. She also reveals details about stasis and Arcadia. When Rhahar and Bele return, she gives them both hugs.

After Gemma is hurt, Aios arrives just as Ector brings her inside the palace. She asks if Shades got her and runs off to get supplies. She returns just as Sera starts glowing and watches in awe as Sera brings Gemma back to life. She checks on the girl and declares that she’s definitely alive.

Talk turns to the deal and the Rot, and Aios thinks Rhain is on to something about the deal and the Rot being linked. The mortal realm is more vulnerable to the actions of the Primals and should have been affected long before now. She wonders if maybe the ember being in the Mierel bloodline protected it in some way, but once Sera was born, it was in a vulnerable vessel that carries an expiration date—Sera’s death. Or maybe it’s weakened in a mortal body and can no longer hold off the effects of what’s been done.

When Gemma wakes, Aios comes to tell Sera. She says that Gemma claims to have no knowledge of what Sera did, but she thinks the girl is lying. She wants Sera to confront her. Aios tells Sera it’s clear that she didn’t want to do what she believed she had to do—make Nyktos fall in love and then end him. She adds that she disagrees with her actions and is disappointed but that everyone has experience carrying out terrible deeds because they believed they had no choice. She says she’s done worse than Sera—all of them have.

Aios takes Sera to see Gemma and learns what she told Hamid and why. The girl says that Sera is who Kolis has been looking for.

As they talk about Kolis more, Aios tells Sera that graeca also means love, and she’s afraid that Kolis somehow found a way to create life.

When the murderous gods attack, Cressa throws a bolt of eather at her and takes her down. When she wakes, it’s to go to Bele. She removes the dagger and cries as she rocks the goddess. She begs Nyktos to let Sera try to heal her, shaking as it appears not to work. But then it does. She stays with Bele as the now-Ascended goddess recuperates.

Aios continues watching over Sera, doing everything she can to ensure everyone is safe. When Sera starts fretting, Aios tells her she did nothing wrong by bringing Bele back and asks if knowing the outcome will change her actions in the future. She imagines that Sera doesn’t really have a choice. It’s part of her makeup and driven by instinct.

Later, in the throne room, Aios stands next to Paxton as Nyktos tells them how Sera tried to go after Kolis on her own to protect the Shadowlands and that her bravery is unmatched.

When the Cimmerian arrive, Nektas brings Reaver and Jadis to Bele and Aios for safekeeping.

Aios spends time with Sera and the younglings, talking about how draken only sleep in their mortal forms when they feel safe, and the coronation being delayed. They gush as Reaver is sweet, bringing Jadis a blanket, and then discuss Aurelia and what being sweet on someone—as Reaver put it—means. Aios blushes when Reaver insinuates that Bele is sweet on her.

Later, Aios asks Nyktos if he thinks Kolis will be able to sense the embers in Sera. Before they leave, she helps Sera pick out an appropriate gown for her meeting with Kolis and remarks that she is like Bele in stashing weapons everywhere. Aios inquires whether Sera will go after Kolis while she’s there and asks why she thinks she can take the Primal. Sera tells her that she’s Kolis’s graeca. She is Sotoria. As they talk more, Aios asks Sera why killing Kolis and being Nyktos’s Consort can’t both be her destiny. Then, she reveals details about her time in Dalos when she was Kolis’s favorite and kept in a cage.

Sera apologizes and tells her how strong she is. As the discussion wraps up, Aios tells Sera that she’s wrong about what she can do because Kolis has no weaknesses—he’s incapable of love.

Aios and Bele have dinner with Sera and Reaver in the receiving room.

Before the coronation, Aios does Sera’s hair and makeup. Later, she takes Sera from Rhahar and escorts her to Nyktos with the guard, Kars. She asks if Sera has any questions. Sera asks her if she’s been in love, and Aios says she doesn’t think it feels the same for everyone. For her, it was like feeling at home in an unfamiliar place. Like being seen, heard, and understood for the first time in a way you never were before. She tells Sera that you know you’re in love when you’d do anything for someone. Then she hands Sera off to Nyktos.

During Kyn’s attack, the Primal kills her. She had just gone outside to help when he takes her down. Despite her mangled chest, Sera restores her. She wakes and is confused. Kars helps her inside.

Eons later, when the gods sleep, Aios comes to Poppy in a dream and keeps her from falling from a cliff in the Skotos Mountains.


Goddess of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Duty (in Blood and Ash timeline)

Court: Unknown

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