Page 25 of Bleed for Me

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I hear the sound of him fiddling with something on the door, then a lock clicks and he pushes it open. My eyes widen at the sight of him.

Mick stands in the doorway, breathing heavily. His hair is pushed back and sticking up in a few spots, damp with something I can’t quite make out. His clothes are disheveled and it takes me a moment to realize they’re also covered. I narrow my eyes, staring at the stains on his shirt.

Sucking in a breath, my hand flies to my mouth. “Is that…is that blood?”

Mick doesn’t say anything, instead he strides into the room and doesn’t stop until he’s towering over me. His eyes blaze as he stares at me and I shrink back further into the bed. His face flickers before he darts out his hand, wrapping his fingers around my throat. I gasp again and claw at his hand but he only tightens his grip in response. With his other hand, he reaches out and rips the blanket off of me and onto the floor. I curl up and try to distance myself from him as far as I can with my throat still held captive.

Growling, he grips my hip and yanks me back toward him, sliding his hand around to the ties of the sweatpants. With a flick of his wrist, he pulls the tie loose and reaches inside the waistband. I yelp as his fingers roughly brush my clit. He keeps his eyes on mine as he pushes his hand down further and plunges a finger inside of me. I can’t move, I can’t think. I’m trapped. His prey.

As if he can hear my thoughts, Mick bears his teeth at me and pushes in another finger, stretching me open. I whimper as he begins to scissor his fingers and slowly pull them out before roughly shoving them back in. His fingers flex around my throat, his eyes flashing. I can feel myself growing wetter with each pump of his wrist and curse myself for how much I want this. How much I wanthim. Even after everything, my body responds to him with a growing need.

He leans forward and flicks his tongue out, licking up the side of my face. Stopping to whisper gruffly in my ear, “So ready for me. So goddamn wet. Your pussy is just begging for my cock. Isn’t it, little bird?” I whimper again and he chuckles darkly. He nips my ear before pulling back and gazing down at me. My eyes trail up and with his closeness, I can now see that his hair is matted with blood, the blonde locks stained pink from the crimson liquid. I gag at the thought of why he’s covered in blood.

At the sound, Mick squeezes his fingers again and groans. My eyes fly back to his and I can see that his pupils have dilated so much there’s almost no blue left. It’s terrifying, making him look like the predator he really is inside. I’m frozen, my mind racing as I think about the blood covering him and the sound of him saying last night“I killed them”replays in my head over and over again.

This man in front of me is a monster, a murderer.

He stares back at me. I’m not sure for how long, it could have been a second or an hour. Time seems to have stopped, the only sound in the room is our heavy breathing and his fingers working in and out of my pussy.

Mick eventually breaks the spell and looks down at my lips, licking his own. He leans in and captures my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down hard. I cry out when he breaks the skin, keeping pressure then releasing and lapping at the wound with his tongue. I groan and he shifts quickly, taking my mouth and shoving his tongue inside. He controls the kiss and commands submission with his rough strokes. I moan into the kiss and chase his tongue with my own, losing myself to the sensations and forgetting why I shouldn’t want this.

My hands fly up around his neck and he removes his fingers from inside me. I whimper at the loss and then suck in a sharp breath as he yanks the sweats down, the force he uses pulls them straight off.

Without breaking the kiss, he releases my throat and starts fiddling with his belt before unzipping his pants and shoving them down. Pulling back slightly, I feel him step out of his clothes and climb onto the bed so he’s hovering over me. I gaze up at him and try to remind myself of who he is, that I should stop this.

All thoughts flee as I feel the head of his cock sliding across my slit. I arch back as he runs the smooth skin over my clit and back down through the folds, teasing me.

He trails kisses down my face and along my jaw, nipping at my throat before sucking on the sensitive flesh. I’m writhing under him, lost in my desire. I need him to fuck me, I need him more than I’ve needed anyone. I feel him notch up to my entrance a second before he shoves inside in one brutal thrust. I cry out in relief and pain, dragging my nails down his neck. He grunts, pulling back before slamming back into me.

I’m a blubbering mess, mumbling nonsense and raising my hips to meet him with each thrust. Mick continues his punishing rhythm, making little noise except for the grunts escaping him. It’s so unlike how he was the last time he used my body. This feels more like a primal need he’s satisfying instead of pleasure. I can feel myself getting wound up, that familiar pressure building inside. Mick senses it too as he moves his head lower to capture my stiff nipple between his teeth.

I cry out as the pain mixes with the pleasure and I’m close, I’m so close to falling over the edge. Tears are falling down my face and I’m begging to let go. “Please. God, fuck. Please Mick.” He growls against my skin and slips a hand between us, finding my clit and rubbing quick circles. “Yes. Yes! Oh fuck, I’m so close.” I pant, my eyes squeezed tight.

Mick releases my nipple and props himself up with his elbow, using his free hand he grips my jaw and forces my eyes on his. He looks deeply into my eyes and commands, “Come. Now.” And I scream, my eyes rolling back as I shatter around him. He groans and pushes into me, fucking me through my orgasm.

As the last tremors begin to subside, he moves again. Gripping both of my hips, he slams into me so hard the bed shakes. After several punishing thrusts, Mick throws his head back and drives deep inside of me, moaning my name as he finishes.

He remains like that, breathing heavily. After several long heartbeats, he leans forward and collapses. Once our breaths have returned to normal, he pushes off of me and rolls off the bed. Without a word, he heads into the bathroom and slams the door shut behind him.

I’m left laying on the bed, staring at the closed door and wondering how the fuck I’m going to get away.

A small part of me, a part I’m not willing to admit, wonders if I really want to.

Chapter 11


Holy fucking hell. That woman has a divine pussy.

Standing under the hot water, I can feel my cock already beginning to harden at just the memory of her wrapped around me. I slam my hand against the wall and curse myself. I’ve already become too obsessed with her. The whole time I was hunting down Becky and slicing up her skin, my mind kept wandering back to the woman waiting for me at home.

I’ve never rushed through a killing before like I did tonight and it’s only served to piss me off. I work too damn hard to select the perfect victim and coordinate the most opportune timing to execute my destruction to be this distracted. I needed the release today too that only bloodshed can give me.

Jesse was waiting for me outside my office the second I walked into the building and proceeded to run through all the ways I fucked up the meeting. By the time I left, my hand was trembling with the need to hack something apart.

Waiting for Becky to get her perky ass on the road was torture. A level of torture I happily returned the favor of once she was secured in my kill room. Her screams did little to quiet the chaos inside of me. I sliced, chopped, ripped and plucked every inch of her in an attempt to regain some calm amongst the unrest inside of me. Even as I dumped her mutilated corpse off and set up the display to match the others, the anger rolled inside, demanding more.

When I returned home to silence, my only thought was that Paige had somehow escaped. I could see the locks on my bedroom door that I had installed before leaving in the morning but it didn’t stop the fear coursing through my veins. I had slammed the front door and quickly strode across the room, struggling momentarily with the locks before throwing open the door. My heart stopped when I peered inside and caught sight of her lying in my bed, in my clothes, waiting for me.
