Page 83 of My Little Girl

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The happy couple continue their arguments, something about it not being a big dealblah blah blah. I tune them out until I hear a melodic sound that is going to take center stage in every dream and fantasy I have for the rest of time.

“Ava, I think I’m going to take off.” The otherworldly creature murmurs, keeping her gaze averted even from her friend. My eyes narrow as I watch the interaction. Ava steps up and wraps her arms around the small woman, hugging her tightly and whispering something into her ear, earning a nod.

They pull away and the beauty begins gathering her things, she turns toward the elevator, arm raised to slip on a jacket. Her eyes meet mine and I forget how to breathe. My entire world becomes the two orbs holding me captive. An eternity nestled into the green spheres.

Ava steps between us, breaking the spell, and I have to fight against every urge inside of me to rip her throat out for the intrusion. “Fallon. Babe.” My teeth clench at the endearment leaving her lips.

I find my feet moving as I’m pulled by an invisible thread. Wanting her attention back on me, noneedingher entire focus, I call out to my little nymph. “Hey there, I’m Arriana.” I offer her a blinding smile as I close the distance.

Her head ducks and she peers up at me through her lashes, making my heart stutter within my chest. “Fallon.” She whispers.


I heard Ava say it but the name on the lips of this creature, in her melodic voice, captivates me. I’m spellbound as I take the last few steps to close the distance between us. “Fallon?” I repeat, loving the way the name feels in my mouth. She nods again, her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders swims around her with the movement. “Hmm, I like that. I like ita lot.” I murmur, brushing up against Ava as I come to a halt.

Running my gaze down her body again, I slowly rake my eyes back up before meeting hers. “Want me to walk you out? Not safe for a beauty such as yourself to travel alone at night.” I wink at her, my lip curling up into a smirk. Fallon’s face flames at the attention.

Darting her eyes to the other woman who still hasn’t gotten the hint, she looks back at me and inclines her head. “Yes.” My breath catches at the word. Never before have three letters meant so much to me. “I’d like that very much, thank you.”

My smile is blinding as I gesture to the elevator. “After you.” I half bow, earning a soft giggle that I make my new life mission to hear as often as possible.

We climb into the elevator and I press the button to bring us down to the lobby. Fallon is back to fiddling with her clothes, trying to avoid any conversation. I allow her the silence as I take the opportunity to study her more.

Even under the baggy clothing, I can see her breasts pushing out against the fabric, her slim figure has small curves at her hips where the jacket falls. Her dainty feet are shoved into a pair of ballet flats and she has several rings on her fingers. Her pale skin shows the lack of exposure to the sun, a direct contrast to my own mocha complexion.

The doors ding open again, disrupting my inspection. I gesture for her to go first, following closely behind and enjoying the sway of her hips. My mouth waters as I imagine diving between her legs.

I bet she tastes just as sweet as she seems.

We make our way out to the parking lot and toward the bus stop. It would appear we are both city transportation bitches. I make a mental note to learn how to drive so I can treat this woman as the passenger princess she deserves to be.

The bus ride is full of awkward tension. I have to fight against every urge to claim her on the bus full of passengers, certain the fellow patrons wouldn’t enjoy the show. Or they’d enjoy ittoomuch.

When my stop approaches, I stand from the seat and lean over Fallon. Brushing my fingers down her face, I peer into her eyes, relishing in the pink blooms forming on her cheeks. “Till next time,mi vida.” She gasps at the endearment and I smirk. Pulling back, I walk down the narrow aisle and exit.

Turns out there’s something else that can give me this feeling. A beautiful little creature who has no idea what she just stumbled into.
