Page 71 of Bourbon & Brawn

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Scotty pulls his girlfriend close and kisses her on the cheek. “We’d love to babysit one night and give you and Beau a break.”

My eyes dart towards Wynter, seeing the hurt in her eyes. I clear my throat. “That’s nice. Right now the grandparents fight over who is going to keep the twins. But thanks, Scotty. You’re the best.” His girlfriend gives me a congratulatory hug before leaving.

I hold Wynter’s hand, knowing she’s crushed that her best friend Scotty is still dating this woman. Without hesitation, I speak quietly in her ear. “He doesn’t glow when he talks about her or when he’s with her. Your time will come. I just know it.”

As Beau cozies up behind me and slides his arms around my waist, or what’s left of it, he nibbles my ear, coaxing me with his low raspy voice. “You, my wife, are fucking sexy. You know what happens when you wear green. Am I going to have to call my mom and tell her to stay late?”

He nuzzles his nose under my hair and whispers into my ear, “We need a night alone.”

Pivoting, I interlace my arms around his neck, drawing him in close in an affectionate embrace. “I already asked her, big guy. We’re staying at the Bridal House, part of the three wedding venues we constructed, and you’re going to love me unconditionally.”


Mr. Taylor takes us to the quiet countryside where the wedding venue is located. Beau never lets Mr. Taylor open my door, he says it’s his job as my husband. He takes my hand and thanks Mr. Taylor.

I’m so tired that I lose my balance leaning on him and he finally throws me over his shoulder and smacks my ass. When we get to the bedroom, he unzips the dress down my side and slips it from shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. He sets me down and I lie back as he takes off my stilettos, sitting them by the bed.

“You know, my mom says the key to a happy marriage is to leave the kids with a sitter once every few months and have a night alone,” he says as he’s using his lips as weapons up my thighs.

It’s soothing, the way his lips skim my skin, but when he makes it past my center up to my stomach, I freeze. We had sex a couple of weeks ago for the first time after having babies. It was delicious, but we had to hurry because the twins were crying.


“I’m loving you unconditionally, you don’t get to change the rules,” he says in a commanding voice. God I love his confidence and swagger.

“But my skin is flabby and round.”

He smooths his hand over it. Kisses my stretch marks. “This is the skin that stretched so our twin boys had enough room inside you. If there were a definition of unconditional love, it’s the love of a mother bringing twins into this world. You once told me that my scars were beautiful and brave. Well, these are your scars of bravery, and I love every single one.”

I’m a mess of hormones. No matter what he says, I cry. He’s the perfect husband and father. Don’t get me wrong, we argue sometimes, but we decided before we got married that it’s better to argue than to keep secrets.

He kisses my breasts and they start leaking milk. “Don’t.”

He takes the sheet and cleans me up. “The twins get you for a year, but after that, they’re mine.”

“Beau, I need to tell you something. I know we agreed on breastfeeding for a year, but I talked to my doctor and she said the first few months are plenty. Is it okay…”

He kisses my lips to shut me up. “Yes, I thought you were adamant.”

“I was but that was before I had to pump five times a day so they have enough while I’m gone to work. I’m always so tired and as much as you do for me and the boys, this is one thing I wanted to give them. They’re so beautiful and peaceful when they feed but I just can’t.”

He rolls us onto our sides facing each other. “Whatever you want or need is fine with me. I would rather you remember these baby days than to have you in a fog all the time.”

He kisses my nose as I say, “Okay.”

“How do you feel about us getting some much needed sleep, and we can have some fun in the morning?”

I shake my head, wondering how I got so lucky to be with a man so unselfish. I know he needs a release but he’s willing to wait.

“And plan. Will you make a plan for us to transition to formula, because I’m exhausted…”

His lips ghost mine as he says, “Yes.”

And that’s the last thing I remember until I wake up with his head between my legs. When my fingers thread through his hair, he lifts his head and smirks.

With a smile that stretches from coast to coast, I ask. “This is your plan? I have to admit, it’s been practiced many times and ohh…yes. It’s very well executed.”

My Kissing Springs Series is now complete. Please review Bourbon & Brawn and help other readers find Beau and Vanessa’s Love story.
