Page 103 of Euphoria

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“So, why are you angry with us that we did what you expected we’d do?” Morgan continued to question.

“I’m not angry that you found each other. I’m frustrated that you made such a public fucking announcement that couldhave scuppered everything.” Picking at the croissant again, Francine said, “So, it’s serious?”

Morgan looked at Alex again, waiting almost breathlessly for her response.

“We both appreciate that this is out of the ordinary, it’s fast, and probably a little bit crazy, and I don’t like to think too much about the future or put pressure on something before it’s even really started—”

“I’m serious about it,” Morgan couldn’t stop herself from blurting.

“Of course you are, honey, she’s the superstar millionaire musician, and you’re the struggling medic with debt coming out of every orifice.”

“Francine, enough!” Alex shouted. “Don’t, just don’t…you started this. This was your idea, so don’t you dare get arsy when it doesn’t go the way you planned.”

“It’s gone exactly as I planned,” Francine said indignantly.

Morgan stood up abruptly. “I’m not interested in any of that.” She fled to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

“Happy now?” Alex said, turning to Francine.

Francine pursed her lips. “I’m not here to make other people happy, only you.”

“Then you had better understand real quick. Because you’re right about one thing. She…” Alex pointed to the door that was closed, “makes me happier than anything and anyone I’ve known for the last decade, and you will not disrespect her for doing what you were prepared to let everyone else think she was doing and what you sneakily planned to happen between us. Youdo not get to judge her now.” Alex got up from the couch. “Until I say otherwise, I want her treated like she’s a fucking queen. Do you understand me?”

Francine grinned. “Whatever you say, buttercup.”

The door slammed again when Alex followed Morgan.

“And that, is what they call passion. Welcome back, Alex.”

Entering the bedroom, she found Morgan sitting on the bed cross-legged, phone to her ear and in mid-conversation. She was about to turn and leave when Morgan smiled and beckoned her over.

“That’s the plan, Mum, yes.”

Alex couldn’t hear what Morgan’s mother was saying, even after she climbed onto the bed behind Morgan and thrust a leg on either side of her, arms wrapping around her waist and her chin leaning on Morgan’s shoulder.

“I know, I’m okay. I just wanted you to know that there might be things written about me in the paper.” Something was said, and then, “Yes, I know that, no, she’s…she’s taking care of me, of course.”

Alex chuckled and got Morgan’s attention, pulling her fingers back and forth as a sign to give her the phone.

“Hang on, Mum.” Morgan turned as best she could. “What?”

“Give me the phone.”


Alex stared at her until finally Morgan sighed and handed over the phone.

“Hello, Mrs Kelly? This is Alex,” she said calmly, trying not to laugh when Morgan’s eyes widened.

“Oh my god, Sasha?” Mrs Kelly asked incredulously.

Alex giggled. “Yes, sorry, Sasha, but I’m Alex to my friends, and I do hope we are going to be friends, Mrs Kelly.”

“Of course, why wouldn’t we be?”

“Indeed, and I just wanted to reassure you that Morgan and I are enjoying the tour, and she’s being taken care of completely, and I want you not to worry a minute longer.”

“Well, that is good to hear. As you can imagine, we’ve been a little bit concerned about her.”
