Page 29 of Euphoria

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“Thank you, Mike.”

She sat back as instructed and relaxed into the comfortable seat, barely noticing when the car pulled away from the kerb. The cabinet was interesting. A small fridge filled with mini bottles of champagne and water, some small tins of Coke and tonic water. Beside that was a cupboard with bottles of vodka, gin, and rum. Four crystal glasses, as well as packets of fancy crisps and nuts. She closed the door on it all and sat back again, letting her eyes shut. The drive wouldn’t be that long, up the motorway to Winchester where she assumed Alex would be arriving along with Francine and whoever else her team consisted of.

She woke with a jolt and checked her watch. Was she really that exhausted? They’d been driving for less than twenty minutes. They couldn’t have arrived already, could they? Looking out of the window she could see a large house, lots of glass that reflected the morning sunshine. She didn’t recognise it, and she had Googled every place they were planning to stay in.

The car door on the opposite side opened and Morgan glanced over, ready to ask Mike where they were, when a familiar face appeared.

“Good morning,” Alex said with a smile. She looked refreshed and glamourous in her black suit and heels. Morgan knew instantly that there would be a red sole on those beauties.

“Hi,” Morgan finally managed, confusion etched across her features. Alex stepped into the car and took the seat beside Morgan, instantly pulling her seatbelt across herself and locking it into place.

“I assume Francine didn’t update you on the travel information. We’re trying to keep my carbon footprint as small as possible.”

Morgan shook her head, beginning to understand that details changed often with these two. “No. I mean, maybe, I haven’t checked my email this morning.”

Alex breathed deeply. “I’m sorry, I just assumed… Are you okay with all of this? I know how persuasive Francine can be.”

She thought about her P.A. Francine had insisted it was all under control and that Dr Kelly was more than happy to jump on board, but Francine had a way of spinning the truth to fit any narrative. After all, wasn’t that why she employed her in the first place?

Morgan finally smiled. “Yes, sure. I mean, it all seems simple enough, right? We can get to know each other a little more.”

“Right. as long as you’re comfortable, I don’t want—”

Morgan reached out, her palm gently landing on Alex’s arm. “Right now, I should be coming off a night shift, having dealt with accidents, stitching up wounds from drunken punch-ups and dodging vomit. I think sharing a car, a few nights in a fancy hotel, listening to you play your music and hanging around just in case, is something I can handle.”

Alex smiled. “Quite.”

They both settled back in their seats and waited while Mike loaded up Alex’s personal luggage, several more bags than the solitary case Morgan had brought with her.

“Nice house,” Morgan said by way of small talk, though she did mean it. It was an amazing-looking home with its multitude of windows and white plastered walls.

Alex turned to look at it. “Yes, I’m very happy here.”

“I live at the marina,” Morgan announced when it seemed as though silence might take over, and she didn’t want that. Alex was someone she wanted to keep talking to, to know all about.

“Lovely, do you sail?”

Morgan laughed. “Oh, no, I’m not that lucky. I just liked the set-up. Everything is kind of on my doorstep: restaurants and bars, there’s a gym and coffee shop. It’s nice when I come off of a long shift and just want to relax for an hour before I climb into bed again.”

The vehicle rocked a little when Mike climbed back in and closed his door, the car moving slowly away a moment later.

“You work hard. I mean the NHS in general, it’s such a vocation, isn’t it?” Alex said, half-turning so she could look at Morgan more comfortably.

“I guess so, it’s certainly not for the faint-hearted. Long hours, stress and responsibility, death and illness, and you can forget about a social life.” Morgan chuckled. “I have no clue why we do it.”

“I can say categorically that the rest of us are glad you do.”

Chapter Fifteen


The hotel was on the outskirts of Winchester, a huge building that looked more like Downton Abbey than any hotel Morgan had ever stayed at, and she had stayed at some nice ones in her time when she’d had a girlfriend to whisk away and enjoy it with, or just fancied a little spa break.

Mike opened the door, and Alex stepped out first, waiting at the door for Morgan to join her. They’d barely moved before Francine’s dulcet tones could be heard.

“You’re here,” she bellowed as she walked briskly towards them. “I checked you both in already.” She turned to the young man following behind pulling a gold trolley. “Make sure these all get taken up.”

“Yes, no problem,” he said, taking the £20 note she shoved into his hand. “Thank you.”
