Page 72 of Euphoria

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“Yes, but I don’t want her to become the story. She doesn’t need that, and I don’t think any of us, her included, have actually considered just how much she could be affected by this. In fact,” she turned to Francine fully, “I don’t want her used like this again.”

“You want me to hide her away?”

“Yes. Mike can bring her back and forth without me in tow.”

“The horse has already bolted; the press knows about her,” Francine argued. “She agreed to this.”

Stepping closer, Alex said firmly, “I don’t care what she agreed to. She had no idea what that would mean, and we didn’t think we’d need to use the idea. I will not take advantage of her naivety a moment longer. You will not ruin that woman’s life, to save mine.”

“Fine. I’ll do my best. We’ll keep her out of sight as much as possible.”

“Good, thank you.”

“But I don’t think they’re going to buy it,” Francine said, meaning the press.

Alex pressed her lips together before she said, “I don’t care. Make it go away.”

Francine’s phone beeped. Mike was back out front. “Ready to go?”

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Francine was out of the car the moment it stopped, greeting the hotel staff and organising luggage with Mike and porters, but Alex stayed put.

“Is everything alright?” Morgan asked when a moment of silence began to feel uncomfortable, and the situation felt awkward. She had no idea what was happening. “Francine seems a bit frosty, well more than usual.” She chuckled.

“Sorry, yes, it’s all fine.” Alex glanced out of the window, checking that nobody was watching before she reached for Morgan’s hands. “I spoke with Francine about keeping you out of the public eye as much as possible. I know what we all agreed, but…” She smiled at Morgan. “I’m not happy with throwing you into the lion’s den like that.”

“Okay,” Morgan said slowly, taking it all in. “So, what does that mean?”

“That from now on, I’ll travel to and from the venues alone. You’ll be taken before or after and meet me there. We will limit the opportunities for the press to take your photo or ask questions about you.”

“You don’t want anyone to know about me, about us?”

Alex squeezed her hands. “I am trying to protect you. I choose to live this life. I chose to allow the invasion of myprivacy. You didn’t. Your life is yours and I want it to stay that way as much as possible.”

Morgan looked out of the car window at the new hotel. Another 5-star monument to the rich and famous. It looked like a stately home. Maybe she should be dropped off at the tradesmen’s entrance, she thought dejectedly.

She nodded, silently, logically understanding, and yet, a feeling of rejection fell across her and triggered a fear she’d long since thought she’d dealt with.

“Morgan?” Alex reached for her chin and brought her face back around so they could look at one another. “Have I done something wrong?”

“No, of course not. I just—I guess I’d let myself think it would be okay.”

Alex frowned. “What does that mean?”

Morgan grabbed the door handle. “I don’t want to be treated like I’m just the hired help.”

“That’s not—” Alex scrambled out after her, hurrying to catch up and not caring at all what anyone thought of the pair of them. “Morgan, stop right there.”

Instantly, Morgan came to a stop, fighting the urge to ignore her, feeling utterly ridiculous, while simultaneously feeling turned on by the commanding tone.

When Alex was as close as she dared, given they were in the public eye, she hissed, “Don’t do that.”

“Do what?” Morgan rebuffed. “Know my place?”

“When we get upstairs, I will show you where your place is if that’s what you need. Until then, act like a grown-up. I’m trying to protect you.”
