Page 82 of Euphoria

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“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Morgan said quietly as the little engine drove them down a pathway and around the side of the building. Green pasture surrounded by forestry came into viewand both women were transfixed by the beauty of it all. Dusk wouldn’t be too far away, and there was already a light mist hovering just above the ground. “It’s beautiful.”

“Yes, it is,” Alex answered proudly.

They continued on and rode down a small incline where a lake, or giant pond, was glasslike at the bottom, a tiny island in the middle where birds were settled for the day, beaks tucked under wings. Just off to the side were three log cabin-style cottages.

“You cannae get any more private than these,” Conner said as he pulled up outside and hopped out of the buggy, holding his hand out for Morgan, and then Alex to take. “I’ll have your bags brought doon and send some supper. I’m sure you could all do with something hot and filling in ya stomachs, aye?”

“That would be lovely,” Alex answered, stepping up the two stairs behind him. They waited as he unlocked the door and swung it open for them. Just as every other room they’d stayed in, this was opulent. Its rustic appeal though was something else. A huge log fire, the piano of course, a small kitchen area. “This is perfect.”

He handed the key to Morgan, an old-fashioned proper key, not an electronic key card. “I’ll leave ya to it. Just call up if you need anything. I’ll send someone doon on the buggy.”

“Take me to bed,” Alex said the moment he was out of earshot.

“What about supper?” Morgan asked, dropping her bag onto the floor.

Alex yawned. “I need to sleep, I feel drained.” She stepped up and stood toe to toe with Morgan. “And I need you beside me.”

“What about Francine?”

“I’ll call her, tell her to leave our bags outside and I’ll speak to her in the morning.”

“And she won’t wonder what I’m doing that means I can’t open the door and take the bags in?”

Alex’s shoulders sagged. “You’re right.”

Without thinking, Morgan kissed her. A brief brush of lips. “I’ll deal with Francine. You have a shower and get ready for bed, and then I’ll come and join you.”

“Do you promise?”

Morgan laughed. “I want to be with you too.”

“Alright.” Alex leaned in, and this time when they kissed, she made it clear how she felt, her tongue rolling and probing lazily until she couldn’t breathe again. “I’ll see you in bed then.”

Morgan watched as she walked away towards the bedroom on the left. And again, a minute later when she came back out and went to the other room, where she must have decided it was the better option, because she didn’t come back out again, and it wasn’t that much longer before Morgan could hear the shower running.

A sharp knock on the door brought her attention back to the room and the plan she was supposed to be taking charge of. She opened the door, and a young man in a kilt appeared carrying two cases.

“I’ll leave ya bags where?” he asked, and Morgan pointed to the room on the left.

“Thank you,” she said after the second trip. She was about to fish out some money for a tip when Francine appeared in the doorway, already holding the £20 note out for him.

“Cheers,” he said gleefully before heading off up the hill again in his little buggy.

“All settled?” Francine asked, peering around the room. “I’m next door if you need anything. Mike’s on the end.”

Morgan smiled. “Yes, all fine. She’s taking a shower, and then she’s planning to go to bed. I think the sedative will see her through the night.”

“Good, and you? What do you plan to do?”

The question threw her for a second. “Oh, I think I’ll probably read. Conner said he was sending supper down, so I’ll eat and read and then probably get an early night, too. It’s been exhausting.”

“Yeah, it sure has.” Francine took one last look around the room. “Okay, well, I’ll get out of ya hair then. I’ve got plenty to keep me busy.”

“Okay, good night.”

With the door locked, and everything secure, Morgan poked her head around the bedroom door, expecting to find Alex already asleep, but that wasn’t the case. She was in bed as expected, under the covers even, but sitting up against the pillows tapping into her phone.

“You’re supposed to be resting,” Morgan said, smiling at her as she opened the door and entered the room properly.
