Page 94 of Euphoria

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“Good,” Morgan sighed. “It always worried me that you didn’t really have anyone looking after you.”

“I never needed looking after before.” She sighed and sat back in her seat, head turned to face Morgan. “You look pretty.”

“Do I?” Morgan laughed and fought the urge to blush.

“Hm, I’m very attracted to you, Morgan.”

Now, she did blush. “I am quite aware, and the feeling is reciprocal.”

“Yes, I know.”

The car door opened before another word could be said, and a man slid in.

“Ms Montgomery, Mack Hudson, I’m in charge now,” he said firmly, and Alex felt the urge to laugh. “I’ve set up a schedule. We will work to that moving forward. Where you go, I go. My team have already searched the hotel rooms and we’ve swapped suites from what was previously arranged, just in case. I’ll be sending a team to the cathedral as soon as we have you settled in.”

When he stopped speaking, he grinned at them both, something she was sure other people found charming and disarming. His confidence was certainly top of its game.

“I see,” Alex said slowly. “Well, all of that sounds perfect, except for one thing, Mr Hudson.”

“Oh, what’s that?” He frowned. His face looked like his mind was running over everything trying to find what it was he’d missed.

“I don’t do as I’m told. I pay the bills around here and that puts me in charge. So, in future you will ask me what my plans are before you go running off to decide what I will be doing. Do I make myself clear?”

“I’m not sure you understand the gravity—”

Her head tilted as she stared at him. “I understand all too well. Feel free to find employment elsewhere, Mr Hudson, if it’s too difficult to discuss my plans with me.”

He smiled, an element of embarrassment behind it. “I—” He inhaled and nodded. “Of course. You’re the boss.”

Reaching past Morgan to open the door, Alex said, “Yes, yes I am. Shall we go in?”

Morgan grinned at her, never more turned on in her life. “Yes, I think that’s exactly what we should do.”

Stepping out of the car, Alex waved at the small crowd behind a barricade twenty feet away. Morgan watched them, fascinated by the way some people would idolise someone they didn’t know, how they would go out of their way to just meet them.

Alex moved towards the door, Mack by her side as she was introduced by Francine to the next manager and staff who would look after them for the following forty-eight hours.

As Morgan continued to stare, she caught a glimpse of someone familiar – not someone that she knew as such, but the blonde hair and the way her head tilted. It was her.

The woman from St Andrews.

Quickly, Morgan moved forward and took Alex’s elbow. Leaning in, she said quietly, “She’s here.”

Alex frowned. “Who?”

“The woman I saw yesterday, at the chapel, she’s—” She turned to point her out, but she was gone. “She was right there, I’m sure of it.”

Staring at the group of fans, Alex waved again, and made it look as though she were just acknowledging them. “Maybe you think you saw her because we’re all on alert.”

“I know what I saw, Alex.” Morgan glared, just as Francine caught wind of something up.

“What’s going on with you two?”

Alex twisted around to face Francine. “Nothing, Morgan thought she saw the woman from yesterday.”

An intense stare directed itself at Morgan. “The woman from the chapel?”

Morgan nodded. “I was sure it was her, but she’s gone.”
