Page 39 of Code Name: Magnet

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Verity leaned into me. “It’s no different than the one in Wargrave.”


“Where Zep’s place is.”

“Ourplace, Alena,” said Zeppelin, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

Magnet took my coat and hung it on a hook. “Wine or a pint?”

“We’re at a pub. A pint, definitely,” I said, laughing. I watched him walk over to the bar with Zeppelin, feeling almost like we were on a date. But we weren’t. We were colleagues. Working on being friends. Except when he’d held me earlier; it had felt like so much more than that.

“It’s like there’s an invisible string tied between the two of you,” said Verity, her chin resting on her hand.

“We’re just, um, I mean?—”

She reached over and put her hand on mine. “You sound like me back when I was still trying to deny what was between Henry and me. It’s pointless, you know? He adores you. It’s written all over his face.”

“I don’t know…”

“He’s one of the good ones. Remember that.”

“He’s been so nice to me. Helped me so much.”

“Magnet wouldn’t do it if he didn’t want to.” She picked up a menu and handed it to me. “If you like curry, it’s fabulous. So are the burgers.”

“Oh my gosh. They’re huge,” I said when I saw one delivered to the table next to ours. “Maybe a salad. Except, wait. It says ‘no leaf.’” How odd. A salad with no greens?

I decided to order it, and when it came to the table, I wished I’d gotten something more substantial. On the other hand, it had been days since I’d gotten in a good workout. Verity’s curry, though, made my mouth water.

“I’ll never eat all this. Let’s share.”

I looked up from my unappetizing plate of vegetables and realized she was speaking to me. “Thanks, but I couldn’t.”

“I insist.” She dished half onto a plate and scooted it over to me. “So, I’m excited about your briefing tomorrow. Admittedly, I have a hard time remembering who is where since people move around so much. For example, what’s the deal with Macht and Ehren?” She turned to Zeppelin. “Did I hear you say he’s coming back but she isn’t? Why not?”

Magnet scooted closer to me so his arm was against mine. “I had issues with her while we were on Gozo.”

Verity moved her plate and rested her forearms against the edge of the table. “Issues?” she asked in a low tone of voice. “You weren’t there forty-eight hours. What kind of issues?” Her eyes opened wide, looking between Magnet and me. “Wait. None of my business. My apologies.”

I hated to imagine what she was thinking, but I also didn’t feel as though I could explain. Especially in the middle of a crowded pub.

Zeppelin leaned over and whispered something in her ear.

“Right,” she said, nodding first at him and then at me.

“I should probably get back so I can prepare for tomorrow,” I said when I noticed everyone else had finished eating.

No one saidmuch on the return drive to the compound. Me, because I felt sick to my stomach, worrying about what Verity must be thinking. Surely, she blamed me for whatever had happened with Ehren. Even if I explained, I knew I’d sound defensive.

God, now, I didn’t even want to do the briefing in the morning. Was everyone, apart from the new arrivals, wondering what had happened on Gozo? And what about the master list I’d created? Should I remove her? It wasn’t like Nemesis had announced she wasn’t coming back. Zeppelin was the one who said it, and he’d only told Magnet and Verity. I’d just overheard.

Magnet thanked them for dropping us off near the cottage, and I waved when they said good night.

“I can feel you fretting,” he said, opening the door and waving me inside.

“I feel like such an idiot.”

He took my jacket. “Have a seat, and we’ll talk.”
