Page 11 of The Secret Fiancée

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Dare: I won’t leave you my phone number, Lex. I have no intention of being yet another fling, and realistically, we just live in different worlds. It probably won’t happen, but if we ever run into each other again, I dare you to play Truth or Dare with me again. It’s the most fun I’ve had in a very long time, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to play this game again without thinking of you.



I shake my head as I lift her note to my lips, my eyes falling closed. It even smells like her. I sigh as I fall back onto my pillow, my thoughts racing. She knows who I am and still walked away. Is she scheming and playing an elaborate game that I’m falling for? Very few women would pass up the opportunity to get close to me, and I’m surprised Raya did.

Her background check revealed how involved she is in her father’s projects, so there’s no way she doesn’t know what state his company is in. Surely, she realizes I could help. Why would she walk away when she’s perfectly positioned to use me to her advantage?

I stare at my ceiling for a few moments, unsure what to make of her. Is this all an elaborate ruse? I sigh as I reach for my phone, my mind on Raya as I scroll through my list of contactsuntil I find one of my closest friends. I hesitate for a split second before clicking on Leia Astor’s name.


“Leia, sweetheart. I need a favor.”

“No,” she replies instantly.

“You’re not even going to hear me out?”

She laughs, the sound of her kids playing in the background. “Every time you call me asking for a favor, it’s something weird.”

I run a hand through my hair and smile. “That’s not true, Ley.”

“The last time I helped you, you made me automate parts of your latest car, but you conveniently forgot to tell me you’d programmed the whole operating system to say lewd things in your brother’s voice.”

I bite back my laughter. That was funny asfuck. “Wish I’d filmed Luca’s face when I demonstrated that. I’m devastated that my brothers wouldn’t let me put it in the final car. It would’ve sold even better if it’d had Luca’s voice.”

Leia laughs. “To be fair, you aren’t wrong. That man’s voice is delicious.”

“Hey!” I hear from the background. Leia bursts out laughing, and seconds later, I’ve got her husband on the phone. “Lexington Windsor,” he growls. “Let me guess, you’re calling to corrupt my wife. What kind of trouble are you two getting into now?”

“Adrian. A pleasure, as always.” My tone is entirely in contrast with my words.

He huffs, clearly not amused to speak to me. I love riling him up. He’s just like my brothers, completely obsessed with his wife and so easy to mess with. “What do you want?” he barks.

“A favor fromboth of you, actually.”

“Absolutely not.”

“I’ll babysit your kids so Leia and you can have a couple of child-free evenings.”

He chuckles. “I have amazing in-laws that love taking care of the kids.”

Damn it.“I’ll throw in an all-expense paid holiday to any Windsor Hotels resort.” He’s silent, contemplating. It’s near impossible to bribe an Astor — they’re as rich as we are. I have to try, though. “Private jet. I’ll fly you myself if you want me to.”

“He’s just messing with you,” Leia shouts from a little further away, clearly hearing me over speakerphone. “Just tell me what it is. I can tell you’re anxious, Lex. Whatever it is, you know I’ll always help you.”

I hesitate for a moment. “I want a guest teaching position at Astor College. I’d like to take over the Mechatronics class you teach, Leia.”

“That’s it?” Adrian asks, his voice dripping with suspicion. He and his family run Astor College, so it won’t be difficult for him to grant me this favor, but considering how much I’ve knowingly annoyed him in the past, I have no doubt he’s tempted to say no.

“Yes. Just one semester, one class.”

“You got it, Lex,” Leia says, causing her husband to groan.

“You’re kidding me, right?” he mutters, the sound muffled.

“Don’t be petty,” Leia whisper-shouts back, and I vow right there and then to stop messing with Adrian Astor. “I’m not sure what you’re up to, Lex, but we’ll grab drinks soon, and youwillfill me in. Something is up with you, and I want to know what it is.”
