Page 21 of The Secret Fiancée

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Xavier, Dion’s best friend, just hands me a glass of whiskey, and I knock it back gratefully. This is what I get for teasing eachof my brothers when they got married, for being a real pain in the ass in an attempt to lighten their load. They have no idea that the way I messed around with them was designed to distract them, to help them.

“Lex,” Ares says, his voice soft. “Raya seems like a really nice girl, and from what I’ve heard, she seems to be a perfect fit for you. Don’t push her away before ever giving your marriage a real shot, and don’t even bother lying to us and pretending you don’t like her. You don’t have time for a teaching position at Astor College — you took it because she intrigues you.”

No. I took it to study her, to ensure she isn’t a threat.My heart wrenches as I glance at my grandfather’s watch. I can’t allow the past to repeat itself, no matter what. Keeping an eye on Raya is a safety measure, a necessity.

“Fine,” I murmur, knowing full well my brothers won’t leave me alone until they feel like I’ve at least heard them out. “So, tell me how to keep my wife happy.”

My brothers all snicker in satisfaction. The pleased looks they share just irritate me further. I don’t even understand what their deal is until Xavier rolls his eyes as he repeats the wordsmy wifemockingly.Fuck. For years, I’ve given them shit for how often they slip the wordsmy wifeinto sentences unnecessarily, only for me to subconsciously do it myself.Fucking shit.

“Oh, we’ve got you,” Zane says, grinning, clearly pleased I’m at least willing to listen when they aren’t exactly giving me a choice.

Yet somehow, I find myself enraptured when they point out what I should pay attention to, right down to favorite foods,lamb biryani, favorite colors,yellow, and little things that make her happy,like doing that move from Dirty Dancing.

Unease settles deep in my stomach when I realize I have most of the answers already. I bite down on my lip, my foot tapping a soothing rhythm.

Nah, Ares is wrong.

I didn’t take that teaching position because she intrigues me. It wasn’t so I could see her again, because I couldn’t stay away.


That’s all it is. It can’t be more than that.



I’m nervous beyond measure as Adam and I walk into Lex’s class, and I tighten my grip on my bag to keep my hands from shaking. The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of negotiations and formalities between our families and our lawyers, and I’ve barely even seen Lex since the conversation we had. It feels strange to walk into his class now like nothing happened, like he isn’t the man I’m marrying.

“You’re really quiet. Everything okay?” Adam asks, his gaze roaming over me, concern etched into his face.

I nod, my heart wrenching. One of the first contracts I signed was a mutual non-disclosure agreement. I can’t even tell my best friend that I’m getting married, and I only have myself to blame for it. “I’m just nervous because the design winners will probably be announced today.”

He simply sighs, knowing me well enough to know I’m lying. “I’ve never seen anyone rattle you the way Lexington Windsor does,” he says, his tone filled with a hint of contempt as we sit down.

“He doesn’trattleme,” I instantly deny.

Adam throws me a disbelieving look, and I sigh as I slump in my seat. “Maybe he rattles me just a little, but that’s mostly because he’sLexington Windsor, CEO of Windsor Motors. You know how long I’ve been studying their growth trajectory, Adam. I’ve always hoped for Dad’s company to emulate Windsor Motors’ performance. I know we’re capable of it, and I honestly think that if we succeed in making our solar powered electric car commercially viable, we might exceed them. I guess it’s just exciting to be able to learn from Lex.”

Adam studies me for a moment, his gaze unreadable. “Lex, huh?” he says, smiling wryly as he takes his tablet out of his bag. “You’ve never been a good liar, Raya.”

“Fine,” I tell him. “Fine, okay? He does affect me. Happy?”

Adam sighs and turns to face me. “Not at all,” he says, his tone snappy. “I’m incredibly concerned, because not only is that man ourprofessor, he’s also a completely unattainable billionaire, and I don’t want you to get hurt.”

I deflate and reach for his hand over the table, understanding dawning. Adam’s mom helped his father build his business from the ground up, only for him to leave his family once he’d achieved the success he’d always dreamed of. Adam hasn’t spoken to his dad in years, and ever since his father left, he’s been convinced money changes people, and that those who have an excess of it can’t be trusted.

“Don’t worry,” I tell him, unsure how else to reassure him. I know exactly what I’m getting into with Lex, but Adam would never understand. If he found out I’m essentially marrying Lex for money, he’d never look at me the same again, and I’m not sure I could take that.

Adam tightens his grip on my hand and nods as Lex walks into the lecture theatre. Lex locks his jaws when he spots our joined hands, his expression hardening as he stands rooted inplace, his gaze slowly drifting up my arm, until it settles on my face.

My stomach twists as I try to decipher the look in his eyes. It’s a mixture or anger and… betrayal? Whatever it is makes me pull my hand to my chest for a moment, before I busy myself with my laptop. Lex’s shoulders relax, but his expression remains stormy as he addresses the room.

“Three designs were chosen,” he says, not bothering with pleasantries today. “You’ve all worked hard, and to say that I’m impressed with your efforts would be putting it mildly. I was told that Astor College houses the brightest of minds, and you have upheld those words.”

The room is instantly filled with pride and hope, but a few people snicker from the back of the room. “We all know you’re not here for our bright minds,” someone shouts. “You’re just here for Professor Leia,” someone else adds.

My heart sinks when I notice Lex’s guilty expression, and something dark unfurls in the pit of my stomach. I’ve heard the rumors about Lex and Professor Leia dating while they were studying at Astor College, but I’d dismissed them as petty gossip. Was it true, after all? He said he hadn’t dated in years, not that he’d never dated at all. Is he still hung up on Leia Astor? My stomach twists at the thought of it — she’s such an amazing woman that I couldn’t even blame him if that’s the case.
