Page 28 of Personal Research

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He lowered his head to her breasts, coaxing her nipples into firm peaks. “I'm jealous of the carpet.”

She giggled—a sound she rarely heard from herself, except when she was with him. “You've already gotten to know my ass intimately enough.”

He lifted his head, those dark eyes blazing into hers with renewed intent. “Not nearly intimately enough. But I will.”

“Sex maniac.” But she leaned up to kiss him just the same, swirling her tongue over lips still steeped in her own wetness. Not surprising. He'd spent enough time between her thighs to warrant permanent residency. “Do you really enjoy it?”

His gaze roamed her face. “Eating you?”

That sounded so carnal, just like one of her books. So fucking hot. She fought to maintain eye contact, even after all they'd done together. “Yes.”

“I'd happily do it all night long. And I will, once I can get the strength to stand up and get us out of here.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Does it?” He looked deep into her eyes as if he was gauging her truthfulness. “You like it too?”

“How many times did I come?”

“Mmm, twenty?” He grinned when she swatted his chest. “Okay, ten.”

Ten actually was probably pretty close. She dropped her head to his shoulder. “You make me so happy.” She felt him stiffen, which caused her to do the same. “Did I say too much?”

“No. You make me happy too.”

Elena looked up at him and smiled. “Happy enough you'd come to Utah with me?”

She quickly told him the news she'd gotten about her father that morning. Instead of consoling her as she'd expected, he jumped up and snatched his boxers and pants off the floor.

“Jesus, Elena, you could try trusting a guy once in a while.”

She stared at him from her supine position on the floor. Back to Elena again. “I thought I just proved how much I trust you. Everything we just did?—”

“Just because you let me have my way with your body doesn't mean shit.”

She would have chuckled at his old-fashioned phrasing but his curse quelled any urge she had to laugh. He never swore or took the Lord’s name in vain except when they were fucking. She doubted he had any clue of what he was saying then, so that didn't really count.

“Really? I thought it meant a hell of a lot, goddammit.”

Though it was small and petty, she'd tacked on the last part to annoy his Catholic sensibilities. She must have hit her mark because his jaw tightened. “There are other things more important than sex.”

Her eyebrows rose. She hadn't been expecting that one. Especially from the guy who routinely screwed her so hard and long she'd begun to consider keeping a walking stick next to the bed. Truthfully, she enjoyed the feeling of her legs shaking after sex, and now was no exception. She stood and took one halting step, then another, trying to ignore both her trembling knees and the ache between her ass cheeks.

She'd enjoyed backdoor sex—at least once she'd gotten used to the burn and the overwhelming sensation of fullness—but now she felt sore as hell.

“Look, clearly I'm missing something here. I thought?—”

He tossed her his shirt. “Put that on.”


“Because I can't look at your body and not want you.”

His honesty startled her enough to slip into his shirt. It was too big, the sleeves hanging down past her hands and the shirttails landing mid-way down her thigh. But it smelled of him, warm and clean, and she had to fight the urge to wrap the soft cotton more tightly around her stomach. She buttoned a couple buttons and sat on the edge of Mr. McGinty's chair. “Will you tell me how we got from there,” she pointed to where the carpet still held the imprint of their bodies, “to here? Please?”

He crossed his arms over his impressive chest, flexing the thick muscles in his arms and shoulders. She swallowed. Looking at him half-naked was doing her no favors, either. “What am I to you, Elena? A diversion? A chance to do some personal research for your books?” He didn't look her way as he spoke.

A streak of heat shot down her spine, along with a wave of uneasiness. She couldn’t decide if she was pissed or if she should worry that she felt as if she'd neglected to study for an important test. “You're my lover. My friend.”
