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“I haven’t run if that’s what you were checking on,” I joke, trying to break through the tension between us.

He lets out a soft laugh, his eyes tracing my face. “I didn’t think you would.”

I’m quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say back to him. There’s no playbook for what to do or say at this moment. Normal people with normal lives and normalfamilies don’t get married to try and save the reputation of not only a family but a business as well.

Yet here we are, two people who are about to promise themselves to each other for just that.

Today’s the start of it, and with him standing right in front of me with a sort of tenderness to his eyes, I wonder if the marriage will really be as bad as I thought it’d be. Could it really be if he’s capable of looking at me like this? Surely not.

“Have you ever heard of the rule that the groom isn’t supposed to see the bride before the ceremony on their wedding day?” I ask, my voice lowered and unsure.

This makes him crack the smallest hint of a smile. “I think we’ve already broken so many rules by being here today. By doing this.”

I lace my fingers together in front of me, not knowing what to do with my hands. It feels weird to not touch, considering we’re about to be married, but I think it’d be even more odd for ustotouch, given we know little to nothing about one another.

“You okay?” he asks, his voice gentle. His tone almost makes me believe he cares.

I brave looking him in the eyes, not expecting to see the softness in them. Everything else about him is tense. The hard set of his jaw, the thin line he’s pressed his lips into. Everything but his eyes. They crinkle at the sides as he stares down at me. He watches me carefully, waiting for me to answer him.

I shrug. “As okay as one can be when they’re marrying a stranger because someone they cared for took advantage of them.”

I swear I can hear his teeth grind against one another as his jaw tenses. For a moment, the softness leaves his eyes, and it’s replaced with anger. He lets out a long breath before taking a step back and holding his hands out in front of him.

“The dress is magnificent,” he notes, all traces of anger gone from his features. “Youlook magnificent,” he adds.

My cheeks flush from his words. “You didn’t have to buy mea dress.” The bridal assistant wouldn’t even tell me how much the dress was when I’d asked. She told me she was under strict orders to give me whatever I wanted despite the price. But I’ve been around luxury fashion my entire life. The dress is hand-sewn, every tiny button on it hand-stitched. I know it was probably incredibly expensive, but I do love the way it feels like it was made just for me.

Archer clears his throat before he takes me by surprise and reaches out to tip my chin to look him in the eyes. “If this marriage is going to work between us, there’s one thing I want to makeveryclear.”

It feels like my heart lurches from my chest in anticipation. The air feels electrified between us as I wait for him to finish his thought. “And that is?”

His fingers tighten on my jaw. The way he grabs me is possessive. Even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to turn my head away from him. He’s making sure that with whatever he’s going to say, I see him andonlyhim.

“I’m not a man who does anything because he has to. I do whatever the hell I want. No one tells me what to do, Winnie. I thrive on being the one in control. So I’m well aware I didn’t have to buy you a damn thing. I wanted to.”

I wonder if he can feel my racing pulse underneath his fingertips. He doesn’t loosen his grip in the slightest. If anything, his fingertips dig even deeper into my skin as he stares deeply into my eyes.

“Understood?” he gets out, his voice rough. The intensity of it makes my body shiver—or maybe the shiver is from how close he is. A primal reaction to the way he handles me—and how I don’t hate it.

I don’t answer him. Ican’tanswer him. My body betrays me as I’m lost at being so close to him. The look in his eyes tells me that I don’t have any other option but to give him an answer, so I attempt a nod, even with the intense grip he has on my chin.

He clicks his tongue. I don’t know if it’s indisappointment or approval until his next words. “Good girl,” he mutters, letting go of me but not putting any distance between our bodies.

I feel a little dizzy as I try to compose myself. Luckily, he’s quiet for a few moments, allowing me to get a grip on myself.What’s happening?Two days ago, this man was my family’s enemy number one. Now he has my heart racing and my mind spinning from whatever just happened.

Good girl. God, why did the way he say it soundsofamiliar?

As I get ahold of myself, he reaches into the pocket of his pants and pulls out an emerald-green velvet box. He averts his eyes from me—almost bashfully—as he holds the box between us.

“I know nothing about this is conventional. Even so, to the world, you’re going to be my wife. You deserve one of the most expensive things money can buy on your finger.” The box makes a clicking sound as he flips it open, showing off the biggest diamond ring I’ve ever seen nestled inside.

I gasp. “Archer…” I’m too stunned by the beautiful, elegant, round-cut diamond carefully tucked into the box. “No,” I whisper. It’s so big and expensive-looking, I’m too nervous to even touch it, let alone wear it every day.

“Yes,” he corrects, his voice stern. He takes a step forward, putting us toe-to-toe as he delicately pulls the ring from the box. “We’re minutes away from being husband and wife. And I’ll be damned if I don’t have the best ring money can buy on my wife’s finger.”

Before I can think better of it, I tuck my hands behind my back. It’s not that I don’t like the ring. It’s just that it’s too pretty—too expensive—for me to be expected to wear it.What if I lose it?I’d never forgive myself. I won’t be his real wife—not really. I don’t deserve a massive ring. Just a small band would work.

Archer lets out a sigh of disapproval. His eyes don’t leave mine as he leans over me and wraps his cold fingers around my wrist. I try to lock my arm, but it’s no use. He pulls it back to the front of my body and easily keeps my hand right where hewants it. Effortlessly, he slides the ring down my ring finger. It feels heavy on my hand. Can I even get used to feeling the weight every day?
