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“Oh, I do, baby.” He leans in and kisses me. I should be worried about the dark lipstick I’d carefully applied, but I’m not. Having him ruin my lipstick is one of my favorite pastimes.

“Archer.” I moan against his lips as his hands travel through the slit of my dress. “We have to go. Right now.”

He groans, his fingertips pressing deeper into my skin. “But what if we didn’t have to go?”

“You know we have to go. But there’s always time to finish this later.”

A shudder runs through my body at the sight of his wolfish grin. “Oh, I plan on it.”

Archer backs away before one of us gives in to the tension and makes us late for the opera. Everyone will be there tonight,and it’ll be a big appearance for us as a couple but also a covert way for us to speak with the remaining people on our list.

I’ve been to the opera many times, but never in a private box. When Archer told me that was the date night he’d planned for us, I was ecstatic. He’s constantly showing me firsts in a world I thought I knew like the back of my hand. At every turn, he’s showing me that he’s always capable of making things more extravagant.

He’s quiet as I pick out a pair of shoes. I go through four different options before finally choosing the ones I feel look the best.

“Can’t wait to see you in nothing but those,” he muses, his voice nonchalant like he isn’t saying dirty things to me. “Better yet, I can’t wait to feel those digging into my back as I fuck you hard and deep tonight.”

A flush creeps over my body at the mental picture. I’m already anxious for us to finish the job we have to do tonight so we can return, and he can make good on his promises.

“I’m going to hold you to that,husband,” I tease, loving that he’s so much more than just my husband on paper now.

“Do it,wife. I’m always a man of my word, and I plan on doing dirty, filthy things to you later.”

He offers his hand, grabbing my clutch so I don’t have to carry it. His other hand grabs mine, and he leads me down the stairs and to our night ahead.



“I feellike tonight has gone better than expected,” Winnie whispers to me, her arm tucked in mine as we walk through the crowd of people mingling before the performance begins.

I place my hand over hers, leading her away from the last person we needed to talk to tonight. Which is perfect timing because the performance is set to begin in just over ten minutes.

“Tonight has gone perfect,” I assure her, giving a smile to one of the shareholders, who’s already confirmed he’ll support voting out Winnie’s father.

Tonight, I let Winnie and Tyson take the lead on talking to the remaining people since they were ones from Bishop Hotels. Just like we expected, everyone is open to the idea of merging the hotels once again. Everyone in this city is money-hungry, and once they understood how much more we could make if we did it together—and how we’d blow all competition out of the water—they were eager for the next steps.

We climb the stairs to our private box arm in arm as we give polite smiles to those that we pass. For the first time, I allow myself a breath of relief. I think we’re really going to pull this off. In the back of my mind, I worry about doing this to my dad, but he put me in this position in the first place. His persistent messages asking if I’m ready to pull the rug out from SpencerBishop’s feet only reassure me that no matter the strain this puts on my already rocky relationship with my dad, it’ll be worth it.

And I’m excited for the future of Bishop-Moore Hotels. I’m eager to see what Winnie, Tyson, and I can do now that we’ve agreed to work together.

Most of all, I’m fucking thrilled to finally have my wife alone for the rest of the night. I paid big money to have the best private suite available for tonight. We’re at the very top with a balcony view that’s absolutely stunning—but more importantly, away from the rest of the world.

It’s time I get my wife all to myself.

I show the attendant our tickets on the top floor. It’s got its own private bar and dining area meant for only those who purchased the most expensive tickets the opera has to offer.

“What do you want to drink before it starts?” I ask Winnie, putting my hand on the small of her back as I guide her toward the bar.

“I think I might do an espresso martini tonight. I’m tired but want a little pick-me-up before the show.”

I lean in close to her ear to make sure no one hears me. “I offered to give you a pick-me-up before we left the house, and I even offered in the car…”

She shivers, leaning against my chest in an attempt to hide her blush. “Archer, you can’t say things like that while we’re in public.”

We near the bar, but it doesn’t stop me from pushing my limits, even if it’s just by a little. “I can say whatever I want.”

Winnie rolls her eyes but keeps the smile plastered on her face as she looks from me to the bartender. “I’ll take an espresso martini, please, extra creamy.”
