Page 23 of Brazen

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He growls when his tongue slides across mine. He’s a growler. That’s good to know. I’ll add “growler” under the spreadsheet I’m thinking about starting the minute I’m free. Which, at this moment, I hope is never.

His hand wraps in my hair. He angles my head to deepen the kiss. I’m ruined. I’ve never been kissed this well.

Slowly, as if it pains him, he releases me. Our mouths part and I open my eyes to find his glazed with what I can only hope is lust. He removes his hands from my hair.

He takes a step back, never taking his eyes from mine. Then he takes another. Finally, his lust morphs into something tinged with anger. But not the kind of anger that’s frightening, the kind that lingers when your needs aren’t quite fulfilled.

“That,” he starts, then stops to clear his throat. “That is how you kiss me next time you want to avoid getting a ticket. I can’t fight against a kiss like that.” He sounds angry as he says it, but I know better. “Understand?”

“Yes, sir,” I whisper. His fists clench at his sides. His eyes close for the count of three and then open, directed right at me. Without another word, he turns back toward the cruiser idling on the curb. I watch as he stomps to it and drives away.

This time when I slide down the inside of the locked door, it’s for a completely different reason. I’m in trouble here. He kisses me again like that, I won’t be able to fight against him either.

Shit. I’ve got to tell someone about this. I need help figuring out what to do from here. I don’t care what time it is, I crawl to my phone and call Austen. I don’t know how many times she kept me up listening to her problems with Reed. Turnabout is fair play.

“Eliot?” she slurs. “What’s wrong?”

“He kissed me.” That’s all I have to say for her to wake up fully. I hear Reed grumble in the background. I don’t feel bad about that either. I’m the reason he passed high school Pre-cal.

“His lips on yours?” she rapid fires.




“Where were his hands?”

“My hair.”

“Good. So he’s still a gentleman and hasn’t decided to play grabass. What did you do?” Austen asks.

“I kissed him back. I guess I’m a moaner. I never knew that.”

“Is he a moaner?” I hear Reed protest in the background. Austen shushes him.

“No. He sighs and then growls.”

“Okay, not bad. Are you sitting on the floor freaking out?”

“Yes.” I can’t lie; I am a little freaked out.

“Is this like the time Paul Rush licked you in the hallway?”

“Gross. No. I don’t mind Owen’s tongue making contact with my skin.” I flattened Paul about two seconds after he licked me. I don’t want you to think I let just anyone go around licking me.

“Then I’m going to give you the same advice a very wise woman named Eliot Caraway gave me once. Just relax and see where it goes. You can end it any time you want if you decide you want to. I like Owen. Reed likes Owen. I can think of worse things than hooking up with the new deputy,” she says.

Don’t you hate when someone turns your advice back on yourself? If I were there with her, I might have to smack her. And then Reed, just for good measure.

“Fine.” I plop back on my couch. “I’ll just roll with the punches. Whatever. You suck at advice.”

“Why do you think Brontë and I turn to you all the time?” She laughs. “You’re the wizened wizard in our group. Now go to bed. You have work in the morning.”

“Okay. Good night, guys,” I say.

“Good night, horndog,” I hear Reed yell. Then there are some wrestling noises and giggling. I hang up in a hurry. At least one of us is getting a happy ending tonight.
