Page 29 of Brazen

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I almost had a heart attack when I walked into the bar tonight. Not because she was singing on the table. But at the thought of what could have happened to her. It makes me think I need to get to the bottom of this. I tried once before, and she shut me down. This time, she’s not leaving until I find out what’s going on.



I might have died.That’s what the searing pain in my head is telling me anyway. I can tell I’m not in my bedroom by the smell. It’s not bad. It smells like bacon cooking. My eyelids open, and I realize instantly that’s a mistake. This bedroom must be located on the sun.

“Uhhhhh,” I moan.

“So you are alive.” I recognize that sexy voice. Moaning again, I roll away from it. Why would he be here, wherever here is? “Come eat some breakfast so you can take something for your head.”

Owen eases the blankets back and swings my legs around. Taking my hands, he sits me up on the edge of the bed.

“I’m fine,” I say, making a feeble attempt to bat him away. My eyes refuse to open again. It’s fine; I don’t need to see. I can pull blind accountant off.

“Mmm.” He sounds skeptical. Pfft.

“I promise you I am no stranger to the morning-after hangover,” I lie. I can count on one hand how many hangovers I’ve had. All of them but one took place at college. They were all equally horrible.

“Sure.” I don’t think he’s buying it. He wraps his hand around my upper arm and pulls me to my feet.

My head pounds; my stomach roils. I’m pretty sure I’m swaying. His hand moves to my waist to steady me. I can almost hear the smirk on his face. I say hear because my eyes are simply refusing to cooperate.

“Let’s get something in your stomach. That should help.”

I let him guide me to the kitchen bar. He helps steady me on the stool and moves around to the kitchen side. Finally, I manage to crack my eyes open a smidge. It gives me a chance to check out the rest of his apartment.

It’s a simple one-bedroom garage apartment. I would expect it to look like every bachelor pad I’ve ever imagined, but it doesn’t.

For one, instead of a giant television, Owen has a wall of bookshelves. They are full of books. The television is a moderate one on a different wall. There’s not even a calendar of naked women hanging on the fridge. No painting of dogs playing poker. I don’t know, I’m just guessing here.

“So, books, huh?” I say.

“So, yes, books.” And y’all thought I’m the smartass. “Eat,” he demands, sliding a plate in front of me. It’s filled with pancakes, fried eggs, bacon, and sausage. It makes me gag. “Trust me, the grease and carbs will help.”

“I can’t eat all of this,” I whine.

“Eat as much as you can.”

“So many calories,” I mumble. He scowls at me. Yeah, I don’t even like post-drunk, morning after me. She’s a little too whiny.

I look down and start mashing up my eggs. Wrapping a couple pieces of bacon in a pancake, I scoop egg onto my fork. I realize I’m hungrier than I thought when I pop it in my mouth. I close my eyes and enjoy the simple act of chewing something so good.

“Get in my mouth, daddy,” I say after swallowing. It’s really very good.

“Jesus,” I hear Owen groan. He’s staring at me when I open my eyes.

“Sorry, does dirty talking to my food make you uncomfortable?” He just shakes his head and returns to eating. I scoop up more eggs. “I have a question. How did you know where to find me?”

“The bartender called when the room started to get out of control.”

“Damn, Kevin.” I thump the counter with my fist for emphasis. The act causes waves of pain to shoot up my arm directly into my pounding headache. “Uhhh,” I groan.

“I’m not sure Kevin should be blamed for your dancing on the table.”

“I was singing,” I point out. “I’ll leave the dancing to you.”

He rolls his eyes. “Is that what that screeching is called?”
