Page 6 of Brazen

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“Naturally, it had to be you who showed up,” she mumbles.

“Sorry?” Of course, she already hates me. I was a complete dick to her last time. I practically stripped naked, mentioned something about sex, and stared at her for a little too long.

“Nothing.” She shakes her head as if to clear whatever thought had been there. “So, how far up do you think we are?”

“I would guess somewhere around one hundred and seventy feet. It’s gorgeous up here.”

“Oh god,” she moans, shutting her eyes. It gives me a chance to study her unnoticed. She does appear a little paler than last time, and even in the cool breeze, she’s starting to sweat. That could be a sign of practically anything.

“You’re not on anything, are you?”

“Yeah, I’m a real tweaker.” Her eyes pop open. “I barely take aspirin. Why would you think that?” She shoots a side-eye glare that sets my skin on fire. That’s probably strike three for me.

“You seem jumpy.”

“So you immediately went to drugs?” She snorts in derision and looks off into the distance. “It didn’t occur to you that I might not like heights that much?”

“If you’re scared of heights, why are you up here?”

“I didn’t say I was scared,” she snaps.

“Sorry.” I hold up my palms in surrender. Her eyes flash in frustration right as the sun hits them, turning the irises into golden pools. They are the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen. Nothing in nature can rival them. I might be staring a little too long. “Why are you up here if you strongly dislike heights?”

“It was something I needed to do.” Okay. That was the same answer she gave the other night. Was this some weird game? She stares off into space, ignoring me.

“Okay. Why don’t we talk about it on the ground? Would you like me to escort you down?” I ask. I watch as she mulls it over. Obstinate doesn’t even begin to describe her.

“Yes, please,” she says finally, her shoulders sagging. “I would very much like to witness you acting like an escort.”

I snort a laugh. Even terrified, her wit is still sharp as a tack. I stand and reach down to pull her up. When she’s finally on her feet, she clings to me with a shiver. I would soak up her curves pressed against me if she wasn’t so scared. Sorry, heavily disliking.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to get on the steps, and you’re going to go with me. Don’t look down. I’ll be right here with you.” She nods her head, still clinging to me. I back us to the ladder and take two steps down. “Come on. I’ve got you.” I take a fist full of my jacket as she slowly eases down onto the step. “Now, nice and slow.”

Together, we climb down the ladder one step at a time. I’m pressed against her as she shakily stays between me and the ladder. It’s an awkward way to climb, but I don’t want her to panic and fall. We reach the ground, and I’m forced to take a step back.

“Thank you,” she says, suddenly throwing herself into my arms. Even with my jacket on, I can feel her breasts crushed against my chest. I would groan at the feeling, but that’s way too pervy. “Sorry,” she gushes, stepping back. “I must still be focused on the escort thing.”

“My pleasure.” Well, that sounded just as bad as a moan. “I mean, I’m happy to do it.” Nope. “Er-I was happy to serve.” For the love of God, stop talking.

“Are you going to arrest me this time?”

“For climbing a water tower? No, I don’t think there was any harm done.” Not until I imagine her breast pressed against me in the shower later. “You know, my shift just ended. Do you need something hot to drink? Warm you up? Coffee maybe?”

“Oh, no. I have plans. Here.” She shakes out of my jacket and hands it back to me. “Thanks again.” With a quick wave, she climbs in her car and drives away.

“You are such an idiot,” I moan. I lean over the hood of my SUV until I can rest my head on it. “A perverted idiot.”



I panicked.I know it. The water tower knows it. All those tiny woodland creatures know it. I agreed to dinner tonight with my family, but they would have understood if I’d texted that I had a dinner date with the gorgeous new deputy. But nope, I panicked. I’m sure he was only trying to be nice.

Maybe it wasn’t a date, just a pity dinner. That makes me feel a little better. Now I feel justified in shutting him down. Besides, why would he want to ask me out? Better not start down a road that will only lead to disappointment. There’s bound to be a line a mile long ready to entice the hot, new man in town.

“Hey,” I yell, walking through the front door of my childhood home.

“We’re in the kitchen, sweetie,” Mom calls. I kick off my shoes by the door and walk down the hallway to the kitchen. It’s where we always congregate.
