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“Look, it was never going to work out with us. The chemistry just wasn’t right,” Rastin said to her, not even blinking.

The odds had been iffy before, but with the two of them joining us, I could see the defeat in her eyes. Even with twenty of her men behind her, she wasn’t ready to take on the four of us.

“Fine,” Groza said. “You want it like this, then good riddance to you all. Taking up for her will come back to haunt you.”

I was the only one who got a chill from those words, but I was also the only one who knew I was stalked by ghosts and Death. I hoped she was wrong, but I wasn’t sure I’d bet on it.

“I want you out of my area,” she said.

“Not a problem. I have no intention of being around to help when you sink yourself,” Kicks replied.

With a tilt of her head, her people started to fall back, and she made sure she stayed cushioned safely in the center.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I asked, turning to Rastin and Buddie. They were losing their family.

“Do it?” Rastin said. “It’s done. She’d never let us go back anyway, even if we killed you.”

Kicks growled low beside me, shooting Rastin a glare.

“Hey, we just defected from our pack. A little faith here?” Rastin said.

Kicks didn’t say anything, but he gave a nod, as if accepting his point.

“I’m so sorry. What does that mean for you guys?” I asked.

“Sorry for us? You should feel sorry for him.” Buddie looked at Kicks with a grin. “We defended his pack against our own. That means we’re part ofyourpack now.”

“You’re part of his pack?” I said. Could it be true? I might be the worst person, because it was the best news I’d had in days. Buddie and Rastin were coming with us.

I glanced back at Charlie, who wasn’t old enough to have the sense to hide his smile over the news.

“Ourpack,” Kicks corrected me. “And yes. They’re with us.” He didn’t sound overjoyed about it.

Buddie looked at Kicks. “Better than Gross-a—Iguess.”

“Thanks,” Kicks said. “Welcome.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Everyone was gatheredin the dining room of the hotel, except for Magnum and Charlie, who were playing games. I didn’t want Charlie to have to feel the stress of this moment with me. I didn’t know what questions or reactions I’d have to field, and even though I had Kicks at my side supporting me, it might get rough. Charlie had been through so much more than he ever should’ve had to deal with at his age. With the way the world was, I’d only be able to shelter him so much, but I’d keep trying.

I cleared my throat, trying to start without my voice shaking, if at all possible. For the most part, people were smiling. Evangeline nodded at me, as if to say,You got this.Crackers was too busy stuffing his face with some culinary creation of Evangeline’s to look too concerned. Still, I knew how bad the gossip must be.

Buddie and Rastin were hanging out in another corner, and I could see how they were scanning the group, picking apart their new pack members. Although when their eyes paused on Evangeline, I wasn’t sure if they were so much picking her apart or trying to pick who got first dibs.

My interest in their debate didn’t go unnoticed, as Buddie shot me a look that clearly said,Get a move on it with this.

I guessed they had bigger plans for the day. Might as well get it over with.

“I’m guessing you’ve all heard a good chunk of the story by now,” I said.

There was a murmur of acknowledgment through the room.

“First, I want everyone to know I had nothing to do with Jaysa’s death. I can’t prove it. I only have my word, but I didn’t.”

There were a few nods as they waited for me to continue.

“I did kill four different people, but all in self-defense.” I laid out the details of the first attack in the forest, leaving out the parts where of Kicks stepped in to cover up my mess. That was his information to share if he chose. I finished up explaining the last confrontation that they’d heard about, where I’d killed two more, and then added some details from the forest.

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