Page 62 of Beauty and Kaos

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“You’ve been busy,” I notice, nodding toward the displays.

“Yeah. Business has been good. If you spent more time here, you would know.”

“I’ve been sneaking into Ava’s garage a few nights a week to finish all the boards she has out,” I explain. “I just keep getting caught up at the Sandbar.”

“You need to work with us full-time,” Freya suggests.

I shake my head. “I don’t want to detract from Ava’s business in any way. I can make a paycheck somewhere else. My services here are free.”

“So what happened last night?” She asks, crossing her legs as she sits back with her coffee.

“Bass and Lace at the Aurora. I didn’t get home until around three.”

“Sounds like fun,” she says, sipping her coffee expectantly, waiting for details. “Now, tell me about the girl.”

“What girl?” I ask.

“There’s always a girl when you look like that.”

I roll my eyes. “She’s a server at the Sandbar. Evan just started her cocktailing at the Aurora. I went to see her.”

“And did you?” She continues.

I sigh. “I brought her back to the boat, and we spent the night together. When I woke up, she was gone.”

She frowns. “Shouldn’t that be a benefit?”

I shake my head. “Not with this one.”

She smiles. “Oh, shit. You like her.”

“I don’t know how to feel about her.”

“Why?” She asks, taking another sip of coffee.

I shrug. “She’s living at the Sunrise. And each day since she arrived, I’ve looked over at the motel, wondering if I’ll see the housekeeping cart in front of her room.”

Freya nods. “You’re afraid she’s going to leave.”

“She will,” I admit, trying to let that concept resonate within me so it hurts less later. “I already know that. I’m just trying to find a way to be okay with it.”

“Don’t get too attached,” she offers, then holds up a hand to stop me. “Or, ask her to stay.”

“Push her away or pull her closer. Great advice. Thanks, Aunt Freya,” I comment, rubbing at the residual throbbing in my temples. The bell above the shop door rings as it opens.

“Think about it,” she advises. “Hell, even go with her if you want to. I don’t want you to feel trapped here. We will be fine.”

I shake my head. “I won’t leave Ava.”

“I want you to be happy.”

I nod. “I am. I’m just… fucked up right now.”

“Is there a name for this mess you’re in?” She asks with a smile.

Movement in the shop catches my eye, and I glance toward the rows of surfboards. Sunlight streams in through the window and dances along the highlights in her purple hair. She has her back to me, sliding her hand along the finish on one of the boards.

“Ivy,” I say, standing from the stool.

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