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“Tomorrow is another day,” he said after a moment.

“Yes,” I agreed, warmth flooding through me at the thought of whattomorrownow meant—with Hayze by my side.



Arlet’s eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. She leaned in, her lips brushing against mine. An electric current ran through me, something I’d never experienced before. It was foreign, yet exhilarating.

As we kissed, she pulled me closer, her fingers tracing the contours of my chest. The sensation, both unfamiliar and enticing, took me aback. My Talos form had adapted to blend in with humans, but this was a new level of interaction.

Arlet’s touch was gentle, exploratory. She savored every moment, every new discovery about my body. I responded in kind, my hands roaming over her shoulders, her waist, her hips. Each curve, each line, fascinated me.

She broke the kiss, looking up at me with a soft smile. “Is this okay?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Yes,” I replied, my voice husky. “More than okay.”

She laughed then, a sound that filled me with warmth. It was a simple significant moment. In that instant, I realized I belonged here, with her. This was purpose I hadn’t known before, a connection that transcended my duties as a protector.

Our lips met again, more urgent this time. Arlet’s hands moved to my face, her thumbs tracing my jawline. I marveled at the contrast between us - her delicate human form against my sturdier Talos build. Yet, there was harmony, a synchronicity that defied logic.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket, jolting us out of our reverie. We pulled away, both breathless. Arlet looked at me, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wide.

“You should get that,” she said, her voice still husky from our kiss.

I nodded, reaching for my phone. As I answered the call, I couldn’t help but steal a glance at Arlet. She was watching me, a small smile playing on her lips. At that moment, I knew things had changed between us.

The vibration in my pocket tore me away from the moment, a stark reminder that even as I ventured into uncharted emotional territory, duty remained my shadow. Arlet’s eyes held a question as I fished the device from my pocket, and I offered her a reassuring nod before stepping away to answer.

“Hayze,” I whispered into the phone, my voice betraying none of the chaos that had just unfolded.

“Bronze, it’s Vex from the agency. We’ve got a situation,” the voice crackled with urgency. Vex was a fixer, one who only surfaced when the tides turned foul.

“What’s happening?” My gaze flickered to Arlet, who watched me with an expression of concern.

“The loggers you two exposed, they’re not taking it lying down. They’ve got connections, dangerous ones. There’s chatter—Arlet’s in deeper waters than we thought.”

A chill shot through me, more piercing than any northern wind. I thanked Vex and ended the call, pocketing the phone with a clenched jaw. Turning back to Arlet, I saw her eyes narrow, reading my posture like a seasoned scout.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Let’s talk. Inside.”

Once we were back in the cabin, I wasted no time. “The people you’re fighting against, they’re more than just illegal loggers. They have resources and aren’t afraid to play dirty.”

Her brow furrowed. “What resources?”

“The kind that makes them more than just a threat to trees.” My hands gestured vaguely, as if trying to pluck the right words from the air. “They’re coming after you.”

Arlet stiffened. “What do we do?”

I locked eyes with her. “We prepare.”

Over the next few days, our routine shifted. No longer was I just her shadow; I became her coach, her mentor. Each morning before dawn broke over the forest canopy, we began with the basics—how to fall without injury, how to strike effectively.

“Keep your wrist straight,” I instructed as Arlet threw another punch at the pad I held. “Good. Now pivot on your back foot when you hit.”

She exhaled sharply with each blow, her determination palpable in the chilly morning air. Her resilience was like steel tempered by fire—unyielding yet adaptable.

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