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I pondered what tomorrow might bring—more threats, more challenges—but they seemed distant concerns compared to this moment. Here in this cabin, surrounded by ancient trees and whispering winds, there was a sense of timelessness that soothed even my deepest worries.

The connection Arlet and I had transcended duty or even desire; it was as if our very souls had recognized something in one another—a kinship born not just of circumstance but of a shared vision for what this world could be.

I moved away from the window, drawn by an inexplicable urge to be nearer to her even though I knew she slept. Quietly, I approached her door and stood outside it for a moment, listening to the soft cadence of her breaths.

It would have been easy then to slip into shadows—to become once again the silent sentinel who watched from afar. But I sank down against the wall beside her door, my back pressed to the cool wood as if it could anchor me in this sea of emotions that threatened to sweep me away.

I closed my eyes and let myself imagine—for just an instant—what it would be like if there were no threats looming over us; no need for guards or sentinels. In that imagined world, it was just Arlet and me and the life we might build together in these woods.

But dreams—even daydreams—were luxuries I couldn’t afford for long. With a sigh, I pushed myself back to my feet and returned to my post at the window. There would be time enough for such thoughts when our work here was done, when we’d secured not just this place but our place within it.

For now, though, there was comfort in knowing she slept safely because of my presence—that I could stand watch over her and ensure another night passed without incident.

As dawn’s first light glimmered through the trees, painting shadows with hues of gold and amber, I remained vigilant.



The forest’s heartbeat pulsed under my feet, a rhythm I’d learned to read as easily as the data scrolling across my laptop screen. The dense canopy above whispered secrets on the wind, leaves rustling in a language only Hayze and I seemed to understand. He lurked just beyond sight, a sentinel in the shadows, his presence a silent vow of protection.

“Look at this,” I called out, not bothering to turn around. “Look at this,” I called out, not bothering to turn around. The poor saplings lay broken on the forest floor. It’s possible a bear or large game did this. But it’s also likely someone came through trampling where they weren’t welcome.

I trailed off, knowing he was listening, always listening. The forest held its breath for a moment before resuming its symphony of life.

Evening crept upon us like an afterthought, darkness nipping at the edges of daylight as we retreated to my cabin. The scent ofpine and earth clung to my skin, an invisible cloak woven from the day’s labor.

“Goodnight, Hayze,” I said as we reached the door. Our eyes met, an entire conversation passing in a glance before he turned away.

“Goodnight, Arlet.” His voice carried a warmth that contradicted the chill night air.

I watched his silhouette merge with the night before closing the door behind me. Alone in my cabin, his absence tugged at me—a phantom limb that had grown essential in such a brief span of time.

The bed was cold when I slipped between the sheets. My mind churned with images of saplings and soil, of Hayze’s eyes gleaming like shards of moonlight. Restlessness claimed me, a whispering tide urging me toward something I couldn’t yet name.

I rose, compelled by longing and something fiercer—need. The door creaked softly as I opened it, peering into the dark where I knew he would stand guard.

“Hayze,” my voice broke the stillness.

He materialized from the shadows, like my call had conjured him. Surprise flickered across his features before settling into quiet resolve.

“Arlet? Is everything okay?”

His concern was genuine; it resonated in his stance, ready to spring into action if needed. But it wasn’t danger that had drawn me from my bed—it was him.

“Come back inside,” I said, my voice steady despite the tremor that danced through my veins.

He hesitated only for a heartbeat before stepping closer. In his eyes shone questions that didn’t need voicing—not now. There would be time for words later; what we needed was beyond speech.

I reached for him, my hands finding the solid reality of his form. His own hands settled on my waist with a tenderness that belied his strength.

We stood there on the threshold—between the safety of walls and the wildness of the world outside. It was more than an invitation; it was an acceptance of all that lay unspoken between us.

Hayze didn’t resist as he crossed into the warm embrace of both my arms and the cabin’s sheltering walls. The door closed behind us with a soft click, sealing away the night and its watching eyes—leaving only us and the truth we were ready to explore together.

The heat radiated from Hayze’s body as I knelt beside him on the bed. His bronze skin glistened in the dim light, and I traced my fingers along the contours of his chest, marveling at the contrast between his hardened muscles and my soft touch.

His cock stood erect, a monument to his desire, and I admired its sheer size. I leaned in, my lips brushing against the tip of his cock. He encouraged me with a groan and I wrapped my hand around the shaft, feeling its weight and warmth. My hand pumped slowly. His cock pulsed with each stroke.
