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As the sun climbed higher and the shadows danced around us, we shifted focus on survival skills. I showed her how to read tracks, discerning between predator and prey. Her eyes shone with curiosity as she traced a deer trail with her finger.

“And if you’re ever lost,” I said, leading her to a moss-covered rock, “moss grows thickest on the north side in these parts.”

Arlet brushed her hand over the soft green carpet thoughtfully. “You know so much about these woods,” she mused aloud.

I shrugged nonchalantly, but a twinge of pride showed. “They’ve been my home for longer than you can imagine.”

The day waned as we wrapped up our training session with camouflage techniques—how to blend into nature seamlessly. Arlet smeared mud on her face with an impish grin and disappeared among the foliage like a ghost.

“Where’d you go?” I called out playfully.

A rustle to my left was all the warning I got before she sprang out at me—a wildcat pouncing from its hiding place—stopping inches from my chest with an exhilarated laugh.

“Not bad,” I said, chuckling along with her exuberance.

Our laughter echoed through the forest as we headed back toward the cabin—the lines between protector and protected blurring just slightly with every shared secret of survival.

The dawn crept through the pines, its golden fingers prying open into the night. I stood outside Arlet’s cabin, waiting for her to emerge. Today, I would train her in the skills that were second nature to me—those necessary for survival. It wasn’t just about keeping her safe anymore; it was about empowering her to stand strong when I couldn’t be by her side.

She appeared at the door, hair tied back and eyes bright with a mixture of excitement and resolve. “Morning,” she greeted me, a hint of sleep still clinging to her voice.

“Good morning,” I replied. “Ready for your first lesson?”

She nodded and followed me into the woods, where the air held whispers of mist and earth.

We started with basic self-defense. “Balance is key,” I instructed as we found a level patch of ground softened by fallen needles. “It’s not just physical—it’s mental, too.”

I showed a stance—feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands up and ready. She mirrored me, watching closely as I adjusted her posture.

“Now, strike towards my hand.” I held out my palm as a target.

She hesitated for a moment before thrusting forward. Her form was unrefined but held potential.

“Not bad for your first go,” I said with an encouraging nod. “Again.”

We repeated the motion until her strikes became more fluid. When she faltered, I offered gentle corrections. Each movement was an exchange of trust—the trust she placed in me to guide her and my trust in her ability to learn.

Next came survival skills—those essential to living in harmony with the forest that now surrounded her. We moved to an area thick with underbrush and I taught her how to move silently, stepping heel to toe, mindful of every rustle.

“Always be aware of your surroundings,” I told her as we practiced moving through the undergrowth without a sound. “Every step should be deliberate.”

Arlet nodded intently, absorbing every word.

As the morning sun climbed higher, casting a warm glow through the canopy above us, we moved on to tracking—reading signs left by animals and humans alike. She crouched next to me, tracing the outline of a partial boot print in the mud with her finger.

“This one’s fresh,” she observed, looking up at me for confirmation.

“Exactly,” I confirmed with a hint of pride in my voice. “Now tell me which direction they’re heading.”

She studied the ground for a moment longer before pointing northwest. “That way.”

“Right again.” I couldn’t help but feel impressed by her quick grasp of these new skills.

We continued on with lessons in camouflage and concealment until we stood by a small creek that bubbled with laughter at our efforts.

“Use what nature provides,” I said as we smeared mud and leaves onto our clothes and skin. “Become part of the landscape.”

Arlet did so with surprising enthusiasm, laughing as she transformed into part of the forest floor itself—a playful spirit hidden within nature’s embrace.

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