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With our morning now dedicated to plotting and scheming rather than lovemaking, I was no less intimate with Hayze than before. If anything, our shared purpose bound us closer than any physical connection could—a bond forged not just in desire but also in determination to make a difference.

I rose with the dawn, my heart thrumming a rhythm of purpose. Today was the day of the protest—the day we would confront West Corp with the truth of their environmental violations. Thechill morning air bit at my skin as I stepped outside, but the fire within me burned hotter than any cold could touch.

Hayze was already awake, a silent sentinel in the dim light. His presence was a comfort, a reminder that I wasn’t alone in this fight. “Ready?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that matched the stirring of the surrounding forest.

“More than ever,” I replied, my voice steady even as my hands trembled with anticipation.

We made our way to the town square, where members of Wild Trust and local activists had gathered. Signs and banners waved like flags of rebellion, each one a testament to our shared commitment to protect the land we loved.

I found my place at the front, megaphone in hand. The crowd hushed as I raised it to my lips, every eye on me. I drew in a deep breath, letting it fill me with courage before speaking. “Today, we stand united for our forests, for our wildlife, and for our future!”

Cheers erupted around me, a tidal wave of support that bolstered my spirit. We marched forward as one, our steps resounding through the streets like the heartbeat of the earth itself.

As we approached West Corp’s headquarters, a line of security guards formed a barrier before us. Their faces were masks of indifference, but I could see the flicker of uncertainty in their eyes. Our numbers overpowered them because of our passion.

“We demand accountability!” I shouted into the megaphone, my voice cutting through the tension. “We have evidence of your company’s crimes against nature!”

The crowd echoed my words back in a chorus of righteous anger. The guards shifted uneasily, glancing back at the building that loomed behind them like a fortress of greed.

A man in a suit emerged from West Corp’s doors—Mr. Greyson, their PR representative. His smile was all teeth and no warmth as he tried to placate us with empty promises and corporate speech.

But we weren’t there for lies or half-measures. We wanted change—actual change—and nothing less would suffice.

“You can’t silence us with your platitudes,” I declared, locking eyes with Greyson. “We know what you’ve done. The damage you’ve caused is irreversible!”

The crowd surged forward with me as their vanguard, our collective will pressing against the barricade of suits and security like a dam about to burst.

Greyson’s smile faltered as he realized he couldn’t dismiss us so easily. “Ms. Rune,” he singled me out from the mass of protestors.

I cut him off without hesitation. “It’s not just me you have to answer to—it’s all of us!”

My heart hammered against my ribs as I stood toe-to-toe with Greyson—the embodiment of everything we were fighting against. But fear had no place here today; only resolve lived within me now.

Hayze stood at my back—a silent guardian whose very presence gave me strength. Together with Wild Trust and every passionate soul that had joined our cause, we were an unstoppable force.

Our unignored voices rose together in a symphony of defiance. We were here to make waves; to shake the foundations of corruption until they crumbled beneath us.

And though confrontation loomed like storm clouds on the horizon, I remained undeterred—my voice strong and passionate—because this was just the beginning.

As I stood before the surging crowd, my voice amplified through the megaphone resulting in a surge of power—the power of unity, of collective action. The faces before me, a mosaic of determination and hope, were mirrors reflecting my conviction. “We demand justice for our forests!” I cried out, the sea of protestors echoing my words.

The security guards, a thin line of resistance against our wave of resolve, exchanged nervous glances. Behind them, Mr. Greyson’s facade crumbled piece by piece under the weight of our unified front. He was a man used to boardrooms and tailored suits, not the raw energy of an impassioned populace at his doorstep.

The buzz of cameras and the click of shutters grew as reporters and journalists descended upon us like a flock to bread. Someone thrust a microphone in my direction, red recording lights blinking like eyes in the crowd. The questions came fast, a barrage that mirrored the rapid beat of my heart.

“Ms. Rune, what brought you to lead this movement?”

“How do you respond to West Corp’s claims that they comply with all environmental regulations?”

“Do you think this protest will bring about the change you seek?”

I answered each query with a steadfastness that surprised even me. “This movement isn’t about one person leading; it’s about all of us standing together,” I said, my gaze sweeping over the crowd that nodded and shouted in agreement. “West Corp’s own records betray their claims—and we will hold them accountable.”

And as for a change? I paused before answering, feeling Hayze’s presence behind me like a bastion. “Change begins when silence ends,” I stated firmly. “Today is just the beginning.”

The protest continued with chants, and signs held high. Our message wasn’t just heard; every passerby saw it — and across every news channel that covered our stand against West Corp.

As dusk settled and the crowd dispersed with promises to keep the pressure on, I realized we had done more than voice our grievances—we had started a conversation that we couldn’t ignore.
