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The sound of boots and shouts echoed behind us, a cacophony that spurred us onward with renewed haste. We were close now; freedom lay within reach if only we could outpace the turmoil erupting within West Corp’s once impenetrable fortress.

I glanced down at Arlet, seeing her face set with determination despite her ordeal. Together we moved through shadows and chaos—partners bound by circumstance and forged in fire—a sentinel and his charge against the world.



We moved away from West Corp.

“I’m taking you back to your cabin.”

The gall came up in my throat at the thought of going back there. “I’m not sure I feel safe there.”

“I’m with you. Right now, they are all in the building being arrested.”

“They thought they could distract you with that wild goose chase,” I said between breaths, trying to piece together the events that led to my abduction.

Hayze’s eyes, usually so calm and collected, now burned with a fury that made even the shadows retreat. “They underestimated us,” he replied. His voice was low but carried an edge sharp enough to cut through steel.

We navigated back to my cabin under the cloak of night, the only sounds our synchronized footsteps and the occasional call of a nocturnal creature. Once inside, I slumped against the door,relief flooding through me as Hayze secured the windows and entrances.

A ringtone shattered the silence — a call from Wild Trust. They needed us at the police station to testify about what had happened. The gravity of the situation weighed on me; I couldn’t let this exposure drag me back into a spotlight I had escaped years ago.

On our way to face yet another trial, I voiced my fears to Hayze. “If this gets out... if my face hits the media again...” I trailed off, not needing to finish. The threat hung in the air like a guillotine blade.

Hayze reached out, placing a hand on my shoulder in silent support. We paused outside the police station, taking a moment to collect ourselves before stepping into another world entirely.

“I need a phone,” I snapped. Hayze followed as I veered toward a nearby convenience store, where I purchased a burner phone with hurried fingers.

Stepping out into an alleyway, away from prying eyes and ears, I dialed the number from my memory since entering witness protection. The line clicked, and then there was a voice — one that had promised safety and anonymity.

“This is Arlet Rune,” I spoke firmly into the receiver. “I need immediate help.”

The voice on the other end was calm, but concerned. “What’s happened?”

“I’m compromised,” I explained quickly. “There’s going to be police reports, maybe media attention. You assured me this wouldn’t happen.”

“We’ll handle it,” came the reply after a tense pause. “Stay by your phone and await further instructions.”

Ending the call, I met Hayze’s gaze — his own eyes now reflecting not just fury but concern for what lay ahead.

“We have truths to tell,” he said simply, gesturing toward the station.

With squared shoulders and an unyielding resolve set within me like concrete, we walked together into the police station, ready to face whatever came next, backed by Wild Trust and each other.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the police station, my phone vibrated with an urgency that seemed to match the racing of my heart. The caller ID flashed “Detective Davidson,” and I swiped to answer.

“Ms. Rune, it’s unnecessary for you to come inside,” Davidson’s voice came through, tight with the day’s tension.

I exchanged a glance with Hayze, who nodded for me to continue. “Alright, I’m listening,” I said, my voice steady.

“We need your account of the kidnapping,” Davidson instructed. “Give me everything you remember.”

Leaning back in the seat, I closed my eyes for a moment, collecting the scattered shards of memory. Opening them, I focused on Hayze’s reassuring presence beside me.

“It started with a sensation of being moved while asleep,” I began, my voice finding strength as I recounted the details. “A hood over my head, hands bound... The gag.” A shiver traced my spine as I recalled the feeling of helplessness.

“They spoke about luring Hayze away,” I continued, my words deliberate. “It was clear they had orchestrated the entire scenario.”
