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Outside, the city had taken on a different hue—the grays softened by our newfound hope. We climbed into the waiting car, its engine purring quietly as it pulled away from the curb.

As we drove through Seattle’s streets one last time, buildings and faces passed by fading memories—soon to be replaced by untamed wilderness and quiet solitude.

We journeyed in silent contemplation and whispered dreams of what lay ahead. We crossed borders seamlessly—just two more travelers in search of home.

And then we were there—Prince Rupert’s rugged coastline welcoming us with open arms. The air was crisp and clean, laced with salt and pine—an intoxicating blend that filled my lungs with each breath.

Amazing land stretched before us as we stepped onto it for the first time—our land. The ocean’s roar was a constant hum in our ears; the mountains stood tall in silent majesty.

We stood side by side, hands entwined as we gazed out at our new world—the promise of tomorrow shining brightly on the horizon.



The car’s hum settled into a familiar backdrop as we crossed the invisible line that severed my ties with one country and tethered me to another. Canada’s vast landscape stretched before us, a fresh canvas for the life Hayze and I were about to paint together. As we drove, I turned my head to catch glimpses of the serene wilderness, a stark contrast to the chaos we’d left behind.

“We should find a place to rest,” Hayze said, breaking the silence. His voice, always a balm to my scattered thoughts, now carried an additional note of care, one that only came with the bonds we had just formed at that courthouse in Seattle.

I nodded, and soon enough, we pulled into the gravel lot of a quaint seaside inn. The sun was on its last descent, casting golden hues over the water. We grabbed our bags from the backseat and headed inside. The innkeeper welcomed us with a warm smile that didn’t require any backstory or explanation—just two travelers seeking refuge for the night.

The room was simple but comfortable, with a view of the ocean that promised tranquility. After freshening up, we made our way down to the dining room, where the scent of salt and seafood greeted us.

“Table for two?” the hostess asked.

“Yes, please,” I responded, slipping my hand into Hayze’s as we followed her to a table by the window.

The menu boasted an array of seafood caught fresh from the waters just beyond our view. Hayze raised an eyebrow at me, silently asking for my preference. I pointed at the lobster, and he nodded in agreement before conveying our choice to the server.

While waiting for our meal, Hayze reached across the table and took my hand in his. The contact sparked a current that ran through me—electric yet soothing. This simple act was an anchor in our new reality.

“Arlet Russel,” he said softly, testing out my name paired with his own in this world, where we were now man and wife.

“Hayze Russel,” I echoed back with a smile, allowing myself this moment of peace amidst all that had transpired.

Our dinner arrived, steaming plates full of delicious lobster that filled the air with mouthwatering aromas. We toasted with glasses of crisp white wine to our health and future—a future uncertain but faced together.

As we savored each bite, the surrounding room faded into soft murmurs and clinking cutlery. It was just Hayze and me—no longer just protector and protected, but partners in every sense of the word.

“Here’s to new beginnings,” I said after swallowing a delicious forkful.

“And to us,” Hayze added, his eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that conveyed more than words ever could.

We finished our meal amidst shared glances and quiet laughter—the kind that bubbles up from deep contentment. For tonight, there were no looming threats or past ghosts to haunt us. There was only this room, this meal, and each other—the first day of our united stand against whatever may come.

We headed upstairs to our room, ready to rest and ready to start our lives as husband and wife.

“How about a bath?” I smiled at Hayze.

“How about a bath!” He grinned, enjoying as I undressed and filled the tub with hot steamy water.

The warmth of the water enveloped my body, soothing my tired muscles and easing the tension that had been building inside me for weeks. Hayze sat beside me, his bronze skin glistening under the soft light of the bathroom, a testament to his otherworldly origins.

I reached out and traced a finger along his collarbone, marveling at the smooth texture of his skin. “Your skin is like liquid metal,” I whispered, my voice husky with admiration.

He chuckled softly, his warm breath grazing my ear. “It’s a side effect of being a Talos. We don’t rust, so water is more of a friend than a foe.”

I leaned closer, my lips brushing against his. “I like it,” I murmured. “It’s unique.”
