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We had built a life here that was both simple and profound—gardens that thrived under our care, wood chopped for winter warmth, and now a new life that blended two worlds into one.

The baby wriggled in Hayze’s arms, a small yawn parting his lips as if he found this world still worthy of exploration, even in sleep. I reached out to trace the contour of Charlie’s cheek, marveling at how seamlessly our lives had intertwined.

“Do you think he’ll have your abilities?” I asked Hayze as we settled back into bed. Charlie nestled between us.

“We’ll see,” Hayze said with a gentle shrug. “He’ll be whoever he wants to be. We’ll make sure of it.”

Nights turned into days and days into weeks. Our son grew stronger and more curious with each passing moment. We watched him discover his hands, his laughter filling the cabin like music.

Hayze taught me to hunt and fish with greater skill than I ever imagined possessing. Together we forged paths through the snow-laden forest, setting traps and tracking game. When we returned home with our bounty, Charlie’s bright eyes would follow our every move as if committing each action to memory.

On days when the sky opened up to shower us with rain or blanket us with snowflakes as big as feathers, we’d stay inside. Hayze would tell stories of Thion J5—tales of metallic forestsand electric storms—while I baked bread or stitched together quilts from old clothes.

Life was full here—full of love, full of purpose.

As spring breathed life back into the frozen earth, we planted seeds that would soon blossom into sustenance for our family. Our existence was a dance with nature—a give and take that nourished both soul and soil.

One day as we tended to our garden, Charlie sitting propped against a pillow on a blanket nearby, Hayze looked at me with an intensity that stopped my breath.

“Arlet,” he said softly but firmly. “You’ve made this place a home.”

I stood up and walked over to him, placing my hand over his heart—a heart that beat for us, for this life we had created together.

“And you,” I said with equal conviction, “have made it complete.”
