Page 120 of My Mafia Daddy

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I hope this means things are better with her family now, and better from here on out as well.

“I’m also grateful that my eyes have been opened to the Flynn’s and their plans. I was blindsided by the idea of a more peaceful life, and that allowed me to be blinded by those assholes. I let them trick me into thinking that things would be better with Emma and Rickie married, but that was a mistake.”

He mouths the word ‘sorry’ to Emma, which brings tears to her eyes.

“I am so grateful that I didn’t send Emma into the hands of those monsters. Not only have all ties been severed with them, but they will also pay. I willnotlet them get away with any of this. No way.”

He shakes his head, regret rolling off of him in waves.

He seems like a good man, much better than his reputation suggests.

I’m sure he cares a lot about his family, about his daughter, and that he just let greed and power get in the way for a little while.

But never again.

Or at least I hope never again.

“Family is the most important thing,” Dorian continues, his voice cracking just a little. “Family, love, and loyalty. That’s all we need to focus on here. First and foremost.”

As Dorian turns to me, my heart stops beating for just a moment.

Shit, where is this about to go?

“None of us need to worry about the Lucchese’s anymore. Debts have been settled, differences have been sorted, everything is fine on that front. We no longer need to worry.”

I have to admit, that loosens a knot that had tightened in my stomach.

I didn’t know what was going to happen with Vinnie, but I definitely feared the worst.

“So, Owen, you can calm down a little and maybe enjoy life.”

I try to smile, but I feel too anxious to really make that happen.

“Emma, there are some things that I want to say to you.”

Emma straightens up. Her spine stiffens. It’s her turn to panic. I squeeze her hand, trying to reassure her just like she has done me, but she seems too worried to receive that.

“You haven’t always done what I wanted you to do, but you have always done what’s right for you. I can see that now.” Dorian smiles sweetly at his daughter. “Just like your mother. You remind me of her so much. She was stubborn, too, but she always knew that she was doing the right thing for her, which was the most important thing. Just like you.”

Dorian moves around the table until his hand is on Emma’s shoulder.

“Your mother would be proud of the independent woman you have become. Someone who puts others first and looks out for them. Caring and sweet, but strong headed too. It’s great to see. I might have tried to control the direction of your life a little, which I now realize I don’t need to do anymore. You are more than capable of looking after yourself and making the right choices for you. What I need to do is step back and let you grow. Watch you become the woman that you were always meant to become, the woman that your mother would be proud of every single day.But…”

There’s a collective holding of breath as we wait for what’s next. A ‘but’ is never good.

“I do need to make sure that you’re cared for, Emma. Always. Which is why I want to hire a full time bodyguard for you.” Now his hand rests on my shoulder. “Owen, what do you say about taking on that role?”

I nod happily, glancing over to Emma, who also looks like she’s soaring higher than air. “I wouldn’t like it any other way. You know you can trust me with Emma. I will do anything to keep her safe.”

Dorian nods with satisfaction. “You have already proven yourself, Owen. I know I can trust you. With my daughter’s life, and my grandchild’s too.”

I rest my hand on Emma’s belly, grinning from ear to ear.

She smiles right back at me with love in her eyes. I can feel her gratitude rolling through the room because this meeting has gone so much better than either of us could have hoped. I’m not dead, and now it seems like I’m trusted too. Maybe even respected.

And if I’m working for the O’Connell’s then I never need to take up dangerous stupid jobs for men like Vinnie again. I cankeep my family safe and happy. I can finally give Emma the life I think she deserves. The life I have been wishing for her, but with me.

Who would have known that life could turn out so perfect?

And honestly, it feels like it’s only going to get better from here.
