Page 60 of It Kills Me

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Relief and embarrassment swept through me. “I thought you didn’t do the date thing.”

“I don’t.”

“But you do monogamy?”

“I don’t do that either.”

“Then I don’t understand.”

“Why would I sleep with other women when I can barely keep up with you?” He kissed my shoulder again. “I’m not a gentleman, but I’m not going to go bareback in someone and then stick my dick in someone else. That’s disrespectful.”

I didn’t think I’d care if he slept with someone else, but based on the way my heart raced, I guessed I did.

“And I know you aren’t sleeping with anyone.”

“How do you know?” I asked.

“Because you just said how sexy I was.” He grinned. “Many times.”

I chuckled. “Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything.”

His arms pulled me closer, and he rested his chin on my head. “Too late, Pretty.”

We sat in silence, the warm water so relaxing, his place absolutely silent. I could hear the traffic outside my thin windows, but here, there wasn’t a peep. It would be easy to fall asleep…and stay asleep.

“You said you had a rough day?”

My eyes opened, and my hands moved along his chiseled forearms as they remained locked over my stomach. “I think I messed up on my reports, and my father was a bit short with me. He’s not normally like that, so I think he has something on his mind.”

“It happens.”

“But he told me it should never happen.”

“That’s unrealistic. He can expect perfection out of his men, but he shouldn’t expect it out of you. It’s not like he’s paying you much.”

“Excuse me?”

“I just think if you’re that involved in the business, you should be compensated for it.”

“Who says I’m not?”

“Well, your apartment doesn’t reflect that.”

“Wow, that’s rude.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said with a chuckle. “I just think he takes advantage of you, is all. Someone else in your position would easily be making a million a year. What’s your salary?”

I didn’t answer. “I have a billion coming my way eventually.”

“Yeah, in forty years.”

“I’d rather not talk about my father.” Whenever he came up, it always caused problems. Axel didn’t like him, my father didn’t like him either, and I was stuck in the middle.

Axel turned quiet.

All we did was fuck and fight—and I wanted to omit the fighting.

“I’m sorry you had a rough day.”
